UTC Clean Energy Bulletin
New workshops, rulemakings, and upcoming dates
The Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission invites the public to participate in its work to implement Washington’s 2019 clean energy legislation.
The 2019 Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) requires electric utilities to transition to a carbon-neutral supply of electricity by 2030 and source 100% of their electricity from renewable or non-carbon-emitting sources by 2045.
The commission is conducting numerous rulemakings, workgroups, and other proceedings to implement these changes along with other energy legislation enacted during the 2019 session.
New announcements
Commission headquarters remain closed to the public. Our staff are following Gov. Inslee’s phased reopening plan by teleworking. Open meetings and other official business will continue remotely during this closure. Please see the commission’s COVID-19 response page for more information on impacts to our operations and regulated industries.
- On Friday, June 12, the commission invited public comment around the use of the term “use” in RCW 19.405.040(1)(a)(ii) (CETA’s 2030 greenhouse gas neutral standard) as well as related compliance issues associated with renewable energy credits. The notice with questions can be found here. Comments on these select issues will inform the commission’s Clean Energy Implementation Plan rulemaking (docket UE-191023) and are due by 5 p.m. June 29.
- Today's incremental cost of compliance with the Clean Energy Transformation Act workshop (docket UE-191023) begins at 9:30 a.m. Please see the event table below for participation information.
Upcoming events and deadlines
Date |
Item |
Description |
June 16, 2020 |
Workshop |
The Department of Commerce and the commission will host a joint, virtual workshop to discuss incremental cost of compliance with the Clean Energy Transformation Act (docket UE-191023). The workshop will take place June 16 from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. This is the second workshop on this topic. The workshop will discuss the agencies’ draft rules pertinent to the topic.
Updated participation information:
Password: CETA135!
You may also join by phone at (415) 655-0001, access code 282 821 763
June 29, 2020 |
Comments due |
Purchases of Electricity rulemaking (docket UE-190837). The commission requests public input on its first discussion draft rules in its Purchases of Electricity rulemaking. The draft rules were published along with questions for discussion on June 1. The notice can be found here. Comments are due by 5 p.m. June 29.
June 29, 2020
Comments due |
Clean Energy Implementation Plan rulemaking (docket UE. 191023). The commission requests public input on select questions related to the use of the term “use” in RCW 19.405.040(1)(a)(ii) (CETA’s 2030 greenhouse gas neutral standard) as well as related compliance issues associated with renewable energy credits. The notice with questions can be found here. Comments on these select issues are due by 5 p.m. June 29.
July 6, 2020 |
Comments due |
Energy Independence Act rulemaking (docket UE-190652). The commission requests public input on proposed rules in its Energy Independence Act rulemaking. The proposed rules can be found here. Comments are due by 5 p.m. July 6.
Tell us what you think
Voice your opinion on Washington state’s transition to 100% clean energy by participating in the proceedings above. To file a comment in UTC rulemakings, click here.
The commission is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to participants with disabilities at its facilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation for these workshops or meetings, please contact the commission at least one business day prior to the event by calling 1-360-664-1132 or by sending an email to human_resources@utc.wa.gov. For TTY service, please call the Washington Relay Service at 7-1-1 or 1-800-833-6384.
For more information on the UTC’s implementation of the Clean Energy Transformation Act, visit www.utc.wa.gov/CETA.
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