Gov. Inslee issued a Construction Guidance letter on March 25. It clarifies new construction work is not allowed (with few exceptions) under Washington’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order.
We have suspended work related to new construction.
- New building site applications.
- New remodel applications.
- New installation permit
- Plat or land development applications requiring field visits.
- New well construction visits and site inspections.
- Applications to drill or decommission a well (with the 3 exceptions noted below).
If a septic system has been started but not completed or inspected, cover it to protect it from the elements.
We will continue other work.
- Repair applications.
- Repair installation permits.
- Emergency maintenance or minor repairs.
- Applications to replace a well that is out of water.
- Applications to decommission a well posing an immediate threat to public health or the environment.
- Applications to drill or decommission a well to resolve an emergency situation, as approved by the Health Department.
- Report of system status (RSS) applications and inspections (allowed by Gov. Inslee’s Real Estate and Mortgage Guidance letter).
Services available online.
Submit applications at You can pay online, too, at If you can’t pay online, you can mail checks with invoices.
Mail checks with invoices.
Protecting your health and our employees’ health is our main priority.
We practice social distancing.
- We can answer questions by phone or email.
- Whenever possible, we won’t meet others while we inspect.
- If we must meet with others, we will stand at least 6 feet away.
What about monitoring and maintenance?
Suspend routine monitoring and maintenance, except:
- Regular required operation and maintenance (including pumping) to ensure a system is properly functioning.
- Inspecting for failure or surfacing sewage.
- Responding to emergency alarm calls.
We won’t assess inspection report card late fees for at least the next 90 days.
Contact us.
We appreciate your partnership and hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.