Hello District 3!
I am excited to share some of the work I have been doing as your new City Council representative. Serving District 3 is an incredible honor, and I am working hard to make sure your voices are heard and that our District receives the attention it needs.
I want to learn more about your experiences and hear about what issues are important to you. Come chat with me during my virtual office hours on March 7 from 11:00-1:00 PM and March 21 from 3:00-5:00 PM. You can sign up here: https://calendly.com/cotcouncil/cm-scott-office-hours. I hope you’ll join me and share your perspective!
Please also mark your calendars for the Charter Review Committee's upcoming opportunity for public comment starting at 6:00 PM on February 26. This is a chance for the Charter Review Committee to gather community input about possible refinements to the City Charter. You can find more information here: Charter Review Committee.
Advocating to Ban Hog-Tying in Washington State
I am proud to share that I led our City Council’s effort to send a letter of support to legislators in Olympia regarding Senate Bill 6009. Mayor Victoria Woodards and I also testified for the Washington State Senate and Washington House of Representatives about the importance of this bill.
This bill would create a statewide prohibition on hog-tying by peace officers. Hog-tying is dangerous, inhumane, and outdated, and a statewide ban on this practice is long overdue. Hog-tying bends the body into a bow shape and can impair an individual’s ability to breath effectively. In addition, officers restraining an individual in a hog-tie have little information about that person’s health. Underlying issues such as heart conditions and substance abuse can all raise the risk of death when an individual is hog-tied.
Many police departments already see hog-tying as creating an unnecessary and unacceptable risk to life and have banned the practice. I am so proud that Tacoma is one of those cities, and I am hopeful that the state will join us.
 Affirming and Adopting the Anti-Displacement Strategy
Tacoma is facing a housing affordability crisis and District 3 is a part of the city that has been impacted greatly by increasing housing costs and limited affordable housing. I am especially concerned about the high level of displacement occurring in the Hilltop neighborhood and parts of South Tacoma. In 2018, the City adopted the Affordable Housing Action Strategy with a focus on creating more affordable housing, preserving affordable housing, keeping people in their homes, and providing additional assistance to residents with high barriers to accessing housing. Following this work, the City has created a new Anti-Displacement Strategy as a guide for options regarding how the City can address the displacement of residents from their homes and communities.
This is important work, and I was excited to vote in favor of affirming and adopting this strategy and our efforts to ensure stable housing for our community. To learn more, you can see the presentation here: Presentation on Anti-Displacement Strategy.
 Home in Tacoma
The City Council received an update on the effort to increase housing supply, choice, and affordability through Home in Tacoma and you can check it out here: Home in Tacoma presentation. I encourage you to take a look at the proposed code changes and the Home In Tacoma interactive map.
The City wants to hear from you about the proposed zoning and standards changes, as well as the draft environmental impact statement. You can share your comments here: Home in Tacoma Comments and Home in Tacoma Housing Growth Strategy.
You can also come to the Planning Commission public hearing on Wednesday, March 6, 2024, at 5:30 PM. You can join in-person or online:
- In person at City Council Chambers, 747 Market St.
- On Zoom at zoom.us/j/84416624153
- Dial In +1 253 215 8782; Webinar ID: 844 1662 4153
South Tacoma Neighborhood Planning Process Kicks Off
I am thrilled to share that we have kicked off the South Tacoma neighborhood planning process! This is an effort by the City’s award-winning Neighborhood Planning Program to outline community-identified projects, ideas, and actions to enhance and strengthen the neighborhood. The planning process will entail collaboration with neighbors throughout 2024, and will be informed by responses from surveys, community groups, and public meetings and events, led by a Steering Group of South Tacoma neighbors. We’ll be working with the Neighborhood Planning Program to support neighborhood identity and vitality, identify a vision for the future, and then to help implement that vision over the next two to three years.
This is exciting work for South Tacoma and I’m grateful for everyone who came out for our first meeting to share their vision for the future of South Tacoma. I hope more of you will get involved and help shape your neighborhood!
To learn more, check out: South Tacoma Way Neighborhood - City of Tacoma.
Come join us for an open house to hear more about upcoming initiatives in response to community feedback, programs the City is working on to address your concerns, and how to get involved.
- Date and time: Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM
- Location: STAR Center, 3873 South 66th Street, Journey North Room
Serving on Council Standing Committees
The City Council has four standing committees to explore new policy recommendations and develop recommendations to the full City Council. I am excited to announce that I have been appointed to the Community Safety and Vitality Committee and the Economic Development Committee. These committees work on topics that I believe are of vital importance to District 3, including workforce development, capital projects planning and development, community-oriented policing, domestic violence, social service programs, and youth services.
Visiting the Port of Tacoma
I am working hard to learn more about our incredible city and was able to take a tour of the Port of Tacoma to see the great work happening there firsthand. Our Port is an incredible facility, and I am especially excited for the new Maritime skills center that the Port of Tacoma and Tacoma Public Schools are developing for our young people. Maritime 253 will help young people learn skilled and technical trades, transportation and logistics, technology and innovation, and sustainability.
Meeting with Residents to Discuss Trees
I have heard from many residents in the past couple of months about the importance of trees and green space in District 3.
I invite you to check out these resources for getting involved with the health and success of our urban forest: Get Involved with Trees - City of Tacoma.
You can also take a closer look at our community forestry map to learn more about our Urban Forestry Program, tree cover and urban heat islands, and tree preservation here: Tacoma Community Forestry.
Thanks to the great work of our Public Works and Environmental Services teams we were recently able to ensure a beautiful tree in District 3 was not cut down. So glad we could save your tree, Charlie!
As your newly elected representative, I have received some great and fun questions from our community, and I wanted share my responses to help you all get to know me. I’m looking forward to meeting many of you at upcoming events, City Council meetings, or just around town. Please say hello and share your perspective with me!
What are your priorities for District 3 this year? We have a lot of hard work to do in District 3 and there are many ways that I think we can enrich our community. My priorities this year include efforts to improve community safety, creating more affordable housing, working to help our creative economy thrive, and supporting economic development.
What is your favorite memory in Tacoma? I was born and raised in Tacoma, and my favorite memory is walking around the Hilltop neighborhood with my friends to see the cherry blossoms in bloom. We loved it when the pink petals fell!
What do you love most about District 3? I love how vibrant District 3 is and how there is always something exciting going on in our community.
Do you have any pets? Yes, I have two dogs named Alfie and Penelope, but I also claim our family dog, KG (named after Kevin Garnett because I always said he is dark and leggy and good with the ball). Couldn't imagine my life without them!
What gives you hope about the future? Love. The love people have for one another and their love for a better future gives me hope.
Do you have a personal hero who inspires you? My Mom! She has taught me so many important lessons, including leaving a place better than I found it and seeing the best in everyone.
For more information on City updates and resources, please check out cityoftacoma.org. You can also tune in to the City Council’s Study Session or Council meetings every week on Tuesdays via TV Tacoma, Facebook Live, or Zoom. Access information is available at cityoftacoma.org/councilmeetings.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached at JScott8@cityoftacoma.org. Join me for virtual office hours on March 7 or March 21 by signing up for a time slot here: https://calendly.com/cotcouncil/cm-scott-office-hours.
Please also feel free to share my newsletter with others and encourage them to subscribe.
Thank you,
Council Member Jamika Scott -- District 3