Council Member Kristina Walker -- New Sustainability Grants Available


Hello Tacoma!  

I am excited to share that the City's Office of Environmental Policy and Sustainability has reopened the Sustainability Small Grant program. Local non-profits and community groups/organizations can now apply for grant funding up to $5,000 to support environmental and sustainability programs, events, or projects in Tacoma. These projects should align with key objectives outlined in Tacoma’s 2030 Climate Action Plan and contribute to the enhancement of our three utilities (Solid Waste, Wastewater, and Stormwater). 

I strongly encourage you to apply for this grant funding if you have a project that showcases initiatives that contribute to the protection and restoration of our local environment, the implementation of sustainable practices, and the overall improvement of our city's cleanliness, safety, and livability.

The first-round deadline is March 31, 2024 at 11:59pm!
