Dear neighbors,
I am excited to share a new update regarding the City Council’s commitment to addressing gun violence and protecting young people in Tacoma.
As a first step in our efforts, the City Council passed Resolution 41197 in May, establishing $300,000 in support of as many as 12 “Summer Teen Late Nights” locations, as well as youth violence prevention programming with Tacoma Public Schools, Metro Parks, and numerous community partners.
I am very pleased to share that the “Summer Teen Late Nights” program kicks off on June 26 across Tacoma, with select schools, community centers, and non-profits opening their doors Monday through Friday, from 5 – 10 PM, to keep young people safe and engaged after hours. This programming is available to Middle and High School students, and I hope you will explore whether the young people you know might benefit from signing up!
To learn more and to register, visit this website: Summer Teen Late Nights - Tacoma Public Schools
I am committed to remaining engaged on this important issue and I hope you will reach out to me if you need additional information or if you have any questions or concerns to share. I can be reached at: KWalker@cityoftacoma.org.
Deputy Mayor Kristina Walker