John Hines - Updates on Proctor Neighborhood Planning
City of Tacoma Washington sent this bulletin at 07/19/2022 11:01 AM PDT
Good afternoon,
Over the past few months, I have talked with many of you about the Proctor Neighborhood Planning Project and the Cushman and Adams Substation Re-Use Conversation, and I wanted to provide you with some important updates and information on how to get involved.
While these conversations are separate – with the Proctor Neighborhood Planning Project being focused on the neighbors and businesses near Proctor and the Cushman and Adams Substation Re-Use Conversation being a city-wide conversation about a community asset – I see them informing each other for future planning of the area.
As Tacoma grows and changes, I look forward to bringing our community together and beginning these important discussions. I am hopeful we can find a way to engage in the present, honor our past, and dream about our future.
Like many of you, I am anticipating the kick-off for the re-use conversation for Cushman and Adams Substation. This project, like many things in our lives, was placed on hold in April 2020 while we responded to the impacts of COVID-19. Staff will be updating the City Council and Public Utility Board during the next few months on plans to restart community engagement on what the future use of the substations could be.
The project currently remains funded, and OTAK remains the consultant to lead the process when it moves forward. I will be sure to continue to update you on the potential timeline and when to expect it to begin. The City of Tacoma and Tacoma Public Utilities remain committed to a robust public process and community-wide conversation about the future of this property. I know how special this space is to the community and recognize the unique opportunity we have with these historic properties.
I also invite you to tune in or attend the 5 PM Council Meeting this evening (July 19) via TV Tacoma, Facebook LIVE, ZOOM, or in Council Chambers at the Tacoma Municipal Building. Access details are available at Council will be hearing from 24 semi-finalists who will have three minutes to share why they should be the next member of the City Council. We had amazing candidates apply to serve our community and, like many of you, I am eager to learn more about their vision for our city.