Passengers exiting the Sounder after arriving at King Street Station
on pedestrian connections will inform the next steps
This past summer, we asked for your feedback on proposed improvements at King Street Station, including a longer platform, more stairs and elevators, and a concourse above the platform. Over 150 people contributed through our online open house and drop-in sessions. Thank you to all who participated!
The engagement focused on gathering feedback on four potential pedestrian connections that may become direct street-level access points from the surrounding streets to the new concourse level at King Street Station. Most comments supported the proposed improvements (more than 70% for each potential improvement). Common themes included a desire for direct connections to the station, better transit integration, and improved access and convenience. We will use this feedback while studying and refining potential improvements at King Street Station.
Through this outreach and feedback process, Sound Transit is studying how to improve King Street Station for passengers and is ready to serve more Sounder riders in the year ahead as part of the Sounder South Capacity Expansion program. Read more in the full outreach summary here. There is also a Frequently Asked Questions section on pages 17 and 18 of the summary with our responses to common questions we heard during the engagement period.
The King Street Station Platform Area Improvements project is part of the Sounder South Capacity Expansion program, approved by voters in 2016 to help improve the passenger experience on Sounder and allow us to serve more riders. Other improvements could include longer trains and additional weekday trips.
Auburn Station Parking and Access Improvements Online Open House
 Visit our online open house by Dec. 31 to learn more about the changes in the project design since our community outreach efforts between 2018 and 2022.