Learn more about CID additional studies
In March 2023, the Sound Transit Board (Board) adopted motion M2023-18 which identified a preferred alternative for the Ballard Link Extension project. As part of this motion, the Board also directed staff to study ways to minimize or eliminate construction impacts to the Chinatown-International District (CID) and maximize connections to all regional and local transit modes.
了解有關 CID 唐人街/國際區附加研究的更多信息
Sound Transit委員會(以下簡稱「委員會」)於2023年3月通過第M2023-18號動議,其確定了Ballard Link擴展項目的首選方案。在該動議中,委員會還指示工作人員研究如何最大限度地減小或消除施工對唐人街-國際區 (CID) 的影響,以及使連通所有區域和地方的公共交通模式發揮最大效益。