Reminder: scoping meetings on Nov. 7 and 13
We are hosting two in-person scoping meetings in November for the Ballard Link Extension (BLE). These open house events will cover information about the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process, project history, and current route and station alternatives. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) scoping comment period for BLE will continue through Dec. 9.
Drop by these open house scoping meetings at any time. Project staff will be available to answer questions, and court reporters will be present to capture your scoping comments.
- Nov. 7, 5-7 p.m., short presentation at 5:30 p.m.
Union Station, 401 S Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104
Cantonese, Mandarin, and Vietnamese interpretation and translated materials will be available. ASL interpretation will be provided. Refreshments and activities for children will be provided.
- Nov. 13, 5-7 p.m., short presentation at 5:30 p.m.
National Nordic Museum, 2655 NW Market Street, Seattle, WA 98107
ASL interpretation will be provided. Refreshments and activities for children will be provided.
As a reminder, we have collected public input on the project since planning began in 2017, and all your past comments will be carried forward in the ongoing environmental review process. We invite you to share new and additional feedback with us by Dec. 9. Following the conclusion of scoping, we anticipate publishing the BLE Draft EIS next year.
Visit our recently updated online open house to learn more about the project, scoping, and how to provide a comment.
Stay up to date
2024年10月24日,Sound Transit開始進行Ballard Link擴展項目 (Ballard Link Extension, BLE) 的《國家環境政策法》(NEPA) 選址程序。我們正在徵求對於BLE《環境影響報告草案》(Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Draft EIS) 中的目的與需求、備選方案及潛在影響的意見回饋。45天的選址意見徵詢期將於12月9日結束。 隨時掌握Ballard Link擴展項目的最新資訊。
2024年10月24日,Sound Transit开始了Ballard Link扩展项目 (BLE) 的《国家环境政策法》(NEPA) 范围界定流程。我们正在寻求有关Ballard Link扩展项目 (Ballard Link Extension, BLE) 《环境影响报告书 (EIS) 草案》中所研究的目的和需求、备选方案以及潜在影响的反馈。为期45天的范围界定评议期将于12月9日结束。获取有关Ballard Link扩展项目的最新消息。
Vào này 24 tháng 10 năm 2024, Sound Transit đã bắt đầu quy trình xác định phạm vi theo Đạo Luật Chính Sách Môi Trường Quốc Gia (National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA) cho dự án Mở Rộng Tuyến Ballard Link (Ballard Link Extension, BLE) Chúng tôi đang thu thập ý kiến phản hồi về Mục Đích và Nhu Cầu, các lựa chọn thay thế và các tác động tiềm ẩn để đưa vào nghiên cứu trong Bản Thảo Báo Cáo Tác Động Môi Trường (EIS) cho dự án BLE. Giai đoạn đóng góp ý kiến về xác định phạm vi sẽ kéo dài 45 ngày và kết thúc vào ngày 9 tháng 12. Luôn cập nhật thông tin về dự án Mở Rộng Tuyến Ballard Link.
El 24 de octubre de 2024, Sound Transit inició el proceso de definición del alcance de la Ley de Política Ambiental Nacional (National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA) para la extensión de Link a Ballard (Ballard Link Extension, BLE). Queremos recibir comentarios sobre el propósito y la necesidad, las alternativas y los posibles impactos que se estudiarán en el borrador de la Declaración de Impacto Ambiental (Draft Environmental Impact Statement, EIS) de la BLE. El 9 de diciembre finaliza el plazo de 45 días para enviar comentarios. Manténgase al tanto del proyecto de Extensión de Ballard Link.
On Oct. 24, 2024, Sound Transit began the National Environmental Policy Act scoping process for the Ballard Link Extension (BLE). We are seeking feedback on the Purpose and Need, alternatives, and potential topics to be studied in the BLE Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The 45-day scoping comment period ends on Dec. 9. Stay current with the Ballard Link Extension project.