Last Chance to provide input on the Tacoma Dome Access Improvements Project
Thanks to those who have provided input on the Tacoma Dome Access Improvements (TDAI) project! Our survey will close tomorrow, Oct. 11. Based on the feedback, we will complete an environmental review of the proposed station access improvements while still engaging the community. In 2025, we expect the Sound Transit Board to select the set of access improvements to build. The TDAI projects will then continue into the final design phase. In partnership with the City of Tacoma, we expect to complete the TDAI projects by 2032. Subscribe for ongoing updates about our TDAI work with the City of Tacoma.
What is TDAI?
TDAI is a Sound Transit 2 (ST2) project that dedicates funding for improving access to the Tacoma Dome Station. Station access options include a surface parking lot with up to 300 stalls and/or a flexible approach to improve rider access through pedestrian, bicycle, or other non-motorized improvement options.
What’s the latest on TDLE?
The Tacoma Dome Link Extension is in environmental review. We expect to publish the Draft EIS in the coming months. At that time, we'll invite Tribes, agencies, and the public to provide formal comments. After reviewing the Draft EIS and comments received, the Sound Transit Board will confirm or modify the preferred alternative for further study, along with the other Draft EIS alternatives, in the Final EIS.
Stay connected
Look for future project updates and encourage your friends, family and fellow community members to subscribe. We’re always interested in talking to the community. Request a briefing for your community group to learn more about the project and how you can stay involved.