Thank you to everyone that responded to our Stride station naming survey! The survey was available from May 14 through May 31. We received over 1,200 responses!
The Stride station naming survey asked how proposed station names align with individual naming criteria like intuitiveness, being geographically helpful, and other criteria. We received over 1,200 responses giving us insight into how the public perceives proposed station names for the following locations:
I-405/SR 522 interchange station.
I-405/NE 85th St interchange station.
I-405/NE 44th St interchange station.
New Renton transit center.
Here are some highlights of what we heard:
Geography-related names were popular and preferred for the I-405/SR 522 interchange station.
Respondents wanted to include “Kirkland” in the name for the I-405/NE 85th St interchange station.
Respondents recommended geographic station names for the I-405/NE 44th St interchange station.
The majority of respondents agreed that the name “South Renton Transit Center” avoids redundancy, reflects the geography, and feels intuitive.
Later this year, the Sound Transit Board will meet to finalize and approve all Stride station names. Your feedback and recommendations from the Sound Transit Station Naming Committee will be used to inform the Board’s decision.
Supercharged – Battery-electric buses to power Stride BRT
Last year, the Sound Transit Board gave approval to pursue a fully electric bus fleet for the Stride BRT program. Stride is now in the process of procuring battery-electric buses that will run on all three Stride lines. This Board decision marks a significant example of Sound Transit’s ongoing commitment to its climate goals and environmental responsibilities.
South Renton Transit Center SEPA addendum
Sound Transit and the Washington Department of Ecology issued a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) addendum on June 7, 2024 for the new transit center in South Renton. The SEPA addendum addresses the new transit center and roadway improvement elements included in the I-405 BRT program, now known as Stride BRT. The new transit center will include a BRT station and roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian improvements in Renton.
This addendum provides additional information and analysis supporting Sound Transit’s September 30, 2020 environmental checklist and Determination of Nonsignificance for the I-405 BRT project, including analysis and information about minor design updates to the South Renton Transit Center and roadway improvements proposal.
The addendum does not substantially change the analysis of likely project impacts. There is no comment period or appeal period for this addendum.
I-405/Brickyard to SR 527 Improvement Project
You’re invited to the I-405/Brickyard to SR 527 Improvement Project update meeting. Join representatives from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), Sound Transit, and Skanska for the next I-405/Brickyard to SR 527 Improvement Project quarterly update meeting. At the meeting, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the project, hear about upcoming construction, ask questions, and find out how to stay informed. Meeting information: The meeting will be held via Zoom from 11 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, July 17. Register here Don’t want to register? WSDOT will post the zoom link on the project webpage 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
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