What’s next for WSLE?
For those following along, we are nearing a milestone. After Sound Transit published the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in 2022 and a 90-day public comment period, the Sound Transit Board confirmed and modified the preferred alternative for the West Seattle Link Extension in July 2022. We expect to publish the Final EIS later this year, which will include responses to comments received on the Draft EIS. While we’re getting close, we do not have a date set for publication yet. We will share more information about specific timing for the availability of the Final EIS when we can.
After the Final EIS is published, the Sound Transit Board will select the project to be built. Their decision will consider the years of technical study and public engagement since 2018. In the past, we gathered your feedback through station planning and neighborhood forum events, scoping and Draft EIS comment periods, community briefings, and one-on-one meetings. Following the Board’s decision and the Record of Decision by the Federal Transit Administration, the project will move into the design phase.
What is the design phase? The design phase will focus on advancing detailed design of the guideway and stations and preparing for construction. This includes refining what the facilities will look like, how the stations fit within neighborhoods, and how people will move through the station. We look forward to engaging with you as the design advances.
As we near the Final EIS milestone, we are excited to be one step closer to providing fast, reliable new light rail connections to residential and job centers in the SODO, Delridge, and West Seattle neighborhoods.
We hope that you continue to stay engaged with us along the way!