Your input on Sounder South: what we heard during outreach
This past fall, we requested your input on the Sounder South Strategic Plan Update and whether we should consider adding new midday, evening, or weekend trips on the S Line (contingent on approval by BNSF Railway) or continue the current plan for longer trains during peak times.
We received over 5,600 survey responses and talked with thousands more people at events and other outreach.
Key takeaways from this input:
Ninety percent of survey respondents prefer new trips over longer trains. This preference level was consistent across all demographic categories, but was slightly lower among frequent riders, with 79% preferring new trips.
Adding weekend service was favored by 81.6% of respondents while adding new weekday service was supported by 57%.
A strong majority of respondents (75.3%) would support reducing frequency during peak periods to add trips at other times of day or week (contingent on BNSF approval).
Sound Transit will use this feedback, along with research on travel patterns, peer agency research, and ridership estimating, to inform Board discussions in Spring 2024 about whether to prioritize new trips over longer trains in the Sounder South Strategic Plan. Any new Sounder trips would require approval from BNSF, which owns most of the tracks Sounder runs on.