Active trains on the tracks
Sound Transit's 2 Line is entering the next phase of testing, known as "pre-revenue service," which is scheduled to start as early as Nov. 1. During this phase, trains will be actively crossing at-grade level crossings on an ongoing basis as part of the testing process. This phase includes operator and maintenance staff training as well as continued testing to ensure that stations, tracks, utilities, and vehicles work together as expected before we welcome passengers aboard.
Flaggers and safety professionals will be on site to direct traffic when needed. Moving forward, pedestrians and motorists should always expect trains to be running.
Safety tips at rail crossings:
Look both ways. Trains come from both directions, so always expect a second train!
Headphones off, screens down. It’s important to stay alert to be safe.
Take crosswalks, not shortcuts. Trains always have the right of way, so pay attention to crossing signals.
Bike smart, ride safe. When you’re riding a bike, always cross tracks at a 90-degree angle to prevent getting stuck.
- As early as Wednesday, Nov. 1. Start dates are subject to change depending on weather and safety testing completion.
- South Bellevue Station to Redmond Technology Station, including the Bel-Red and Northeast Spring Boulevard at-grade section of the track (as indicated on the map below).
Trains at all hours: Trains will be running on the tracks at any time of day or night as part of the testing process. This includes early mornings, late nights, and weekends.
Sounds of an operating light rail system, including:
- Wheels on the tracks.
Warning signals: Be aware of ringing bells and other warning signals at at-grade crossings. These signals alert pedestrians and drivers of approaching trains.
Station announcements: Near stations, you may hear station announcements, train arrival notifications, and public announcements during this testing phase.
Increased activity: Expect an increase in maintenance vehicles, testing equipment, and personnel involved in the testing process in the area during this time.
Sound Transit is dedicated to a safe and efficient testing process as we move closer to full operation. Your cooperation and adherence to these safety guidelines are essential to the success of this project and the protection of our community. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this testing phase.
 Contact us
Your safety is our priority.
Getting around construction zones can be a challenge. Whether you are walking, rolling, cycling or driving, please stay safe.
Have an after-hours construction concern?
Call our 24-hour hotline: 888-298-2395