Getting there together with Sound Transit’s system expansion.
As a reminder, the Sound Transit Board identified the preferred alternative for the West Seattle Link Extension (WSLE) in July 2022 and the Ballard Link Extension (BLE) in March 2023. Since then, Sound Transit has been in discussions with our federal partners regarding next steps in the environmental process.
Here’s the latest: While both extensions were initially on the same environmental review timeline, given additional environmental review needed for project refinements for BLE, environmental review for the two extensions will now proceed on different timelines.
Specifically, WSLE will proceed to a Final EIS, which is anticipated to be published in 2024. Meanwhile a new Draft EIS will be completed for BLE to reflect the recent action by the Sound Transit Board. The BLE alternatives will be updated, including the preferred alternative, other refinements and alternatives identified in the March 2023 board motion. The new BLE Draft EIS will rely and build upon the existing work to date on the WSBLE Draft EIS (published in January 2022), including all previous scoping comments, public outreach and feedback and environmental analysis. We are still working on the details of the BLE environmental review and engagement timeline and will share an update as soon as we know more.
Stay current with the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions projects here.
在此處隨時掌握West Seattle及Ballard Link擴展項目的最新資訊。
请在此处获取有关West Seattle和Ballard Link扩展项目的最新消息。
Tìm hiểu về các Dự án Mở Rộng Tuyến West Seattle và Ballard Link trên trang web dự án của chúng tôi.
Manténgase informado sobre los Proyectos de extensiones de Link a West Seattle y Ballard aquí.
 Updates on the Denny Station keep the Ballard Link Extension moving forward.
Following Board direction in March, staff convened a number of technical work sessions with the City of Seattle and community partners to further clarify the technical, financial, schedule and risk implications of the Denny station location alternatives (on Terry and on Westlake). The technical work sessions focused on a range of topics including utilities, constructability, construction schedule, roadway closures and cost. At the May 25 Sound Transit Board meeting, staff shared findings about both locations as well as potential refinements that could reduce effects to Westlake Ave. As was noted in the status report, additional work is needed to assess potential implications on ridership, passenger experience and transit integration. Another status report to the Board is anticipated in July.
Missed the Board meeting? All Board meetings are recorded and can be accessed through the WebEx Livestream archive.
Stay current with the West Seattle and Ballard Link Extensions projects here.
在此處隨時掌握West Seattle及Ballard Link擴展項目的最新資訊。
请在此处获取有关West Seattle和Ballard Link扩展项目的最新消息。
Tìm hiểu về các Dự án Mở Rộng Tuyến West Seattle và Ballard Link trên trang web dự án của chúng tôi.
Manténgase informado sobre los Proyectos de extensiones de Link a West Seattle y Ballard aquí.