Stride information at the Kenmore drop-in session.
Earlier this spring, Sound Transit hosted an online open house to share 60% design program updates and receive feedback from the community. In addition, we held drop-in sessions in Lake Forest Park, Shoreline and Kenmore. Sound Transit received over 300 responses to the survey. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Feedback was mixed, with most respondents excited for the program to move into construction. Many shared concerns with the design, including the amount of tree removals, retaining wall height and station sizes. Read the full engagement summary on our website.
Sound Transit will take the feedback captured in this summary into consideration when working with jurisdictional partners. Public input is incorporated into project design based on feasibility, budget, future development plans and jurisdictional requirements. Sound Transit will follow up with design and pre-construction updates later this year. Construction on some aspects of the program, such as the 85th Street interchange in collaboration with Washington State Department of Transportation, are slated to begin in late 2023. Other parts of the program will go into construction in 2024. All Stride lines are targeted to be in service by 2027/2028.
Translated versions of the summary are available in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish.
We are now working towards 90% design, which will be completed summer 2023. During this phase, the project team will:
- Finalize the design of roadways and sidewalks.
- Finalize station design and integration of public art.
- Prepare for construction.
- Obtain land use, environmental and construction permits.
- Continue the property acquisition process.
- Continue engaging with the public, community groups, businesses and elected officials to inform about design and construction plans.
When we complete the 90% design, we will host an additional open house and engagement opportunities. From there, construction will begin in 2024, and service is expected to start 2026/2027.
If you have questions about the latest designs for Stride S3, please email brt@soundtransit.org. We plan to release a Frequently Asked Questions document later this spring.
Be on the lookout for future project updates. Forward this to your friends, family, neighbors and other people in your community! Please encourage them to subscribe.