Today, Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers submitted his proposed 2022 budget to the Snohomish County Council. The proposed budget includes over $56 million dollars in Federal American Rescue Plan Act funds approved by Congress. The total budget for all funds was $1,255,624,596.
“Once a year, we have an opportunity to present our vision for the future in the form of our proposed budget,” said Executive Dave Somers. “For 2022, we are focused on improving public safety, advancing social justice, protecting our environment, supporting community health, and strengthening our economy. Snohomish County will focus on our areas of greatest need by funding programs that will improve our quality of life and serve the whole of the community. Too many have suffered from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic—not only the health impacts of the disease but also the many challenges that the pandemic has made more visible. From the urgent need for more housing to mental health and substance abuse treatment, we have an opportunity to reduce suffering, build safer communities, and improve the quality of life for many of Snohomish County’s residents.”
A few highlights of the Executive’s 2022 budget proposal:
- Fully fund a body camera program for Deputies and Rangers.
- Begin the process of replacing the Sheriff’s Office south precinct.
- Expand the number of detectives to address crimes against children and domestic violence.
- Hire more Designated Crisis Responders.
- Add three crime prevention officers, one per precinct.
- Invest almost $12 million to reduce the law and justice system backlog.
- Fund a “Hate Has No Home Here” campaign.
- Increase anti-bias training for county employees.
- Add a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion staff person in Human Resources to lead our efforts to recruit, hire, retain, and support employees from historically marginalized communities.
- Set up a Carnegie Employment Support Services Program to improve access to jobs.
- Support for Lynnwood’s new substance abuse treatment facility.
- Spend $10 million for creating long-term shelter and housing options in Everett, and North, South and East County.
- Invest in Snohomish County’s Paine Field Airport to ensure this center of job creation will continue to provide the most economic impact of any airport in the state.
- Continue improving solid waste and county roads to keep people and goods moving.
- Additional funds for the Food and Farming Center at McCollum Park to help our farmers.
- Expand the 5G farms model to create a new “Innovation for Advanced Manufacturing” project.
- Invest $5 million to expand broadband access.
- Launch a “Grow SnoCo” campaign to attract businesses, investors, and visitors, helping create jobs.
- Assistance for our micro and small businesses.
- Accelerate the “Take Flight Snohomish County” program, providing a one-stop resource for aerospace training programs.
- Spend approximately $36 million for a wide range of projects within our Environmental Stewardship Strategy, including fish passages, land conservation, habitat restoration, forest health, and climate change action plan.
“We are fortunate to live in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, with abundant natural resources and a great quality of life,” said Executive Somers. “We must make strategic investments today to ensure future generations are able to enjoy this incredible place we call home.”
The Snohomish County Council will now take up the 2022 budget process.
To watch Executive Somers’ budget address, please go here.
To read the budget address, please go here.
To see the entire proposed budget, please go here.