On Friday Snohomish County announced the launch of Support SnoCo, a plan to boost the economic health of local businesses. This program is one of the recommendations from the Snohomish County Economic and Workforce Recovery Task Force and is being funded by the County with federal CARES Act dollars. A key feature of the effort is the SupportSnoCo.com site featuring local businesses from across the county and encouraging people to spend holiday dollars locally this year.
“We know that local business owners and the people who work for them have had a very hard year,” said Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers. “We want this holiday season to bring a bit of cheer to our neighborhood businesses by encouraging people to shop locally and safely. The Support SnoCo Campaign provides residents, business owners, and visitors tools to help them make the most of the shopping season. In these challenging times, it is more important than ever that we support one another.”
“The Support SnoCo online hub will strengthen the economic health of Snohomish County by highlighting the fantastic shopping, food, and outdoor amenities that the County has to offer,” said Snohomish County Councilmember and Task Force Advisory Group Chair Nate Nehring.
 Watch the weekly update from Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers, Snohomish Health District Health Officer Dr. Chris Spitters, and Laura White, Division Manager for Aging and Disability Services with the Snohomish County Department of Human Services.