
Economic Alliance Snohomish County (EASC) today began accepting applications for emergency grants up to $10,000 each, intended to cover a variety of expenses associated with the impact of COVID-19. For-profit businesses located in Snohomish County with up to 20 employees, especially those in unincorporated areas of the county, are encouraged to apply.
Funding comes from the States’ Working Washington Small Business Emergency Grant program, including Federal Coronavirus Assistance, Recovery and Economic Security (CARES) Act funds. A pool of $580,000 is dedicated to businesses in Snohomish County. EASC will accept applications starting Sept. 21, 2020. For additional details and to apply, visit https://www.economicalliancesc.org/grant/
The Washington State Department of Commerce is partnering with EASC and 34 local economic development organizations statewide to make a new tranche of $10 million in small business grants available. Application and administration of this new round of funds is managed at the local level. During the prior round of funding, EASC processed a total of $700,000 in grants to 130 companies.
For more information on the statewide program: http://bit.ly/ww-grants2.
Snohomish County and City of Everett leaders this week launched the “Better With Boeing” campaign, a community-led initiative to highlight the unique strengths of the region and reinforce why Boeing’s long-term success is rooted in growing operations in Washington state.
The global pandemic has severely affected the aviation and aerospace industries. Boeing has difficult decisions to make to cut costs and increase efficiencies and is currently studying what it would mean to consolidate 787 production in a single state. Currently, the Dreamliner models are built in both Washington and North Charleston, South Carolina. The campaign’s message to Boeing is that we are better with Boeing, and Boeing’s future is brighter right here in Washington state.
“Our partnership with Boeing stretches over fifty years,” said Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers. “Generations of Snohomish County residents have built their careers at Boeing – designers, engineers, machinists and other professionals. They’ve built the company and shaped its success, and we hope this relationship continues for many decades to come.”
“Boeing is part of our identity as a region, and we’ve built an incredible aerospace workforce development pipeline here in our community,” said City of Everett Mayor Cassie Franklin. “Who doesn’t know someone who works at Boeing? Boeing workers and their families form the fabric of our community and have helped influence the heart and soul of our city. We’re definitely better with Boeing and through the partnerships and skilled workforce we have, Boeing is better with us.”
The Better with Boeing campaign also launched a new website, BetterWithBoeing.com.
For more information see the full press release.
The Lynnwood City Council recently approved the allocation of an additional $300,000 of the City's federal CARES Act funding to be put towards a business relief program to provide economic support to our local small businesses that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19.
During round 1 of the Small Business Relief Grant program the City of Lynnwood distributed 50 grants of $10,000 to local small businesses.
In order to be eligible for the City of Lynnwood Small Business Relief Grant, the following eligibility requirements must be met:
- For-profit businesses with a physical (brick and mortar) location in the City of Lynnwood
- Been in operation and licensed with the City of Lynnwood since May 31, 2019
- Have a current City of Lynnwood Business License
- 10 or less employees, including the owner
- Ability to demonstrate at least a 25% decrease in revenues due to COVID-19
- Businesses who did not receive a Lynnwood Small Business Relief Grant in Round 1
Eligible Expenses:
- Retaining and/or supporting employees, payroll and benefits
- Business rent or mortgage payments
- Increasing technology capacity to enable alternative work forms or service delivery
- Creating new marketing campaigns
- Revising business plans
- Paying vendor invoices, utility bills or purchasing inventory and supplies
- Facility cleaning/restoration
- COVID-19 related expenses including PPE or improvements to meet safety and social distancing requirements
The application is available now and must be submitted online by September 27, 2020 at 4:00PM. No applications will be accepted after this deadline. For more information or to apply online
visit: www.LynnwoodWA.gov/SmallBusinessGrant