The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington continues to project that wearing face covers can have a tremendous impact on COVID-19. The latest data suggest that universal mask wearing in Washington could result in roughly 1,200 fewer deaths through November 1.
If 95% of Americans wore masks each time they left their homes, infection rates would drop, hospitalizations would drop, and forecast deaths would drop.
Marysville lower-income residents who have fallen behind on rent payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic are invited to apply for new Marysville CARES Community Rent Relief Grants. The two-week application period runs through Aug. 13. The Marysville City Council unanimously approved this new grant program at its meeting Monday evening.
“As the COVID pandemic persists longer than any of us hoped, I have heard from many Marysville residents that they are increasingly worried about paying the bills,” Mayor Jon Nehring said. “A helping hand may offer a sense of hope in this difficult season.”
Rent relief grants of up to $1,500 per household are available to residents who meet these criteria:
- Live within Marysville city limits,
- Are behind in rental payments,
- Are economically impacted by COVID-19,
- Were not delinquent on rent for six months prior to March 1 (Sept. 2019-Feb. 2020)
- Current median monthly household income is below these amounts (60% of area median):
Tenant applicants will need to verify income, landlord and/or living arrangement. When grants are awarded, checks will be sent to the landlord pending documentation and approval. Find more information and the application at
This grant program will award up to a total of $250,000 in federal CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) Act funding distributed through the State of Washington. The city previously awarded other CARES funding through business rent relief grants and financial support of local community services responding to the COVID pandemic.
Watch the weekly update from Executive Somers and Snohomish Health District's Acting Director of Prevention Services Katie Curtis.