This morning, I held a press conference with Dr. Chris Spitters, the Health Officer for the Snohomish Health District, and Tom Teigen, the Director of Snohomish County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism to provide an update to the County’s response to COVID-19.
To watch the full video, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvcWfdZIWPs.
On Monday, Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers and County Council Chair Nate Nehring held the first Snohomish County Economic and Workforce Recovery Task Force, laying the groundwork for economic recovery. The Task Force’s inaugural meeting set in motion a collaborative approach to rebuilding both the county’s economy and its workforce. The 29-member Task Force is co-chaired by Ray Stephanson, former Mayor of Everett, and Amy Drewel of Mosaic Insurance, LLC, and is charged with providing short and long-term plans for the county to assist the private sector and impacted employees as they recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Executive Somers emphasized the important work the Task Force will be embarking on to plan for and support economic recovery in the county.
“The suddenness of our economic downturn is something none of us has ever experienced. We know that there are significant challenges to restarting our economy,” said Somers. “By working together we can develop a data-driven strategy to respond to the needs of our employers and employees. We also must take advantage of any new opportunities. This truly is a countywide approach, a whole-of-government and a whole-of-county effort. Our resiliency and partnerships will set us on the path toward recovery.”
To see the full release, go here.
The Washington Poison Center (WAPC) is seeing an increase in call volumes and spikes in substances common to COVID-19 prevention.
WAPC reported a 22.5% jump in the number of people accidentally getting poisoned by household cleaners and disinfectants.
WAPC warns that COVID-19 has increased the risk of accidental poisoning due to the following:
- New daily routines
- Likely more products at home (cleaners, meds, substances)
- Increased access to these products
- More stress à less focus
- Rumors and misinformation
Please contact WAPC with any questions or emergencies involving potential poisonings at 800-222-1222. WAPC will ask the following questions:
- What was taken?
- How long ago did it happen?
- How much was taken?
- How is the person feeling?