Grant for Snohomish County's Meadowdale Beach Park
Meadowdale Beach County Park
The Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvement (CRISI) program at the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT), with our Congressional Delegation's support, awarded Snohomish County a $3.5 million grant for construction of a new railroad bridge at Meadowdale Beach County Park in Edmonds. The new bridge will improve beach access and enable restoration of the estuary. The estuary will provide critical rearing habitat for threatened Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed juvenile Chinook and other salmonids.
As part of my Puget Sound Initiative, this project will address water quality, habitat protection, and native species vitality. It will restore seven nearshore ecosystem processes identified in the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Restoration Project along a segment of Puget Sound shoreline considered to be “most degraded” due to shoreline armoring.
Restoration of the Meadowdale Beach will provide a long-term solution to challenges surrounding historic development practices along the shoreline, support Puget Sound recovery, and enhance public recreation. The outcome will result in an improved much-loved public saltwater beach access point along with a restored coastal ecosystem co-existing with critical transportation infrastructure. Thank you to all of our partners at the federal, state and local level who are helping create a healthy place for people and fish!