Snohomish County Executive News July 2018

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News from the County Executive

July 2018

Happy Summer!

I hope you and your family had a safe and fun Independence Day! Now that summer has officially arrived, I hope you will get outside and enjoy our beautiful Pacific Northwest home. 


Landing the Next Boeing Plane


It’s no surprise to you: Snohomish County is part of the most aerospace friendly state in the country. As competition heats up for the Boeing Company’s New Midmarket Airplane (aka the 797), you will probably see lots of activity from your elected officials across the region.

We have been working hard to make sure decision-makers at the Boeing Company are reminded why they build the 747, 767, 777, and 787 right here in Snohomish County. As they look at where the 797 should be built, we will do all we can to point out the obvious: We have the best workforce. Best education institutions. Best aerospace infrastructure. And best quality of life. To build the 797 anywhere else would mean investing billions of dollars and then not having a fully-developed aerospace ecosystem to sustain it. Going elsewhere means increasing risks and decreasing predictability

I am proud to be part of Governor Inslee’s Choose Washington effort. In addition, I launched with our key partners the Snohomish County Aerospace Taskforce to make sure we are making the strongest case possible for bringing the NMA here where it belongs.

Just last month, we hosted a Choose Washington meeting at the Port of Everett to give everyone involved with the process from across the state an opportunity to hear firsthand about what we’ve been able to create and sustain here in Snohomish County. We appreciate the investments that the Boeing Company and its employees have made in Snohomish County over the last 50 years. We know the aerospace ecosystem well and have spent decades nurturing the building blocks for success.

Until an announcement is made, we will keep working hard on every front to land the NMA.

Paine Field Terminal

Paine Field Airport Terminal

There has been a growing buzz about commercial air service starting at Paine Field airport. Like you, we are excited to have only a short drive to start our vacation or business trip. I am happy to report that everything is on track and the terminal building is looking more finished every day.

This innovative public/private partnership will give Snohomish County this vital new facility without any financial investment from public funds. Terminal construction should be completed by October of this year. Once the airlines receive the required regulatory approvals, flights will start. We understand that the first flights should begin sometime in early 2019.

We are proud of the progress that’s been made and look forward to being there when the first plane takes off from Paine Field. 

Dave Sommers

Dave Somers
County Executive

3000 Rockefeller Ave. 

M/S 407 

Everett, WA 98201

PH: 425-388-3050

FAX: 425-388-3434

 Public Advocate

PH: 425-388-3365

dave somers