Concrete Work on the RapidRide G - Madison St is complete!

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All concrete work has been complete! 

Here's what is included in this month's email update: 

  • Construction updates 
  • Updates on what we’ve been working on and construction progress 
  • What’s coming up next month 
  • Resources and contact information 

We have finished the remaining concrete work for the new RapidRide G corridor

Earlier this month, our crews finished the last concrete work on the project. Finishing concrete installation represents a significant milestone as we move closer to completion on a fully rebuilt corridor through Seattle. All new concrete will undergo inspection this spring and summer. Improvements will take place where necessary. 

In total, this project has poured more than 67,973 square yards of concrete roadway and panels as well as 14,234 square yards of new concrete sidewalks. This new infrastructure will enhance the safety, comfort and efficiency for travelers in downtown, First Hill, Capitol Hill and Madison Valley.  

A newly paved roadway on Madison St

Concrete pavement at E Madison St., between 11th and 12th Avenues


Construction Updates

New Signal Work 

Green shoots aren’t the only things springing up on the Madison St. corridor. New signals haven been going up at different intersections along the future RapidRide G – Madison St. route. You may have already seen new signal mast arms along at various locations. As of the end of March, all new signal structures are now in place with only one remaining – at the corner of Madison St and 2nd Ave. The next phase of work will connect new signals to the traffic and electrical grid. 

In April, we’ll begin work on the installation of a new signal at the intersection of Spring St. and 7th Ave. While we install the new signal hardware, there will be temporary traffic changes through the intersection.

A picture of a new signal mast arm on Madison St

New signal mast arm at 10th Ave and E Madison St. intersection.

Bus Islands 

We continue to make great construction progress, including building the new center bus stations, or bus islands. Once the RapidRide G Line project is complete, there will be new red bus lanes from 1st Ave to 18th Ave and four new bus islands. These islands are located at 8th, Terry, Boylston, and 12th Avenues. Bus shelter frames have already been installed on the bus islands located at 8th, Terry, and Boylston Avenues. The shelter frame at 12th Avenue will be installed later in April. 

A bus shelter frame on a bus island

Bus shelter frame at 8th Avenue Bus Island

Clean up and restoration at 9th Ave and Madison St 

There has been progress cleaning the site of a burned building on the south side of Madison St. between 8th Ave and 9th Ave. All traffic closures have been eliminated and full vehicle access has been restored. All bus lines that were detoured in the aftermath of the building fire have been returned to their original routes.  

The sidewalk on the southside of Madison between 8th and 9th Ave remains closed for pedestrian safety. New, permanent fencing will be installed along the property line to protect pedestrians and secure the building. When the fence has been installed, the sidewalk will reopen. 

Left turn restrictions  

As we mentioned last month, we have started restricting left turns at a few intersections in First Hill to make room for construction of the new bus islands. Currently, there are left turn restrictions in place from Madison St. to 8th Ave, from northbound 12th Ave onto westbound Madison St, and Terry Ave as well as from Madison St. to Summit Ave and Boylston Ave.  

To support safety and traffic operations once the new bus lanes and center-running bus stations are built, we will permanently restrict left turns at many intersections on Madison St. from First Hill to Capitol Hill. 

  • Map of Westbound left turn restrictions and alternative route can be found here. 
  • Map of Eastbound left turn restrictions and alternative routes can be found here. 

Rodway Milling  

Throughout April, we will be performing milling work at specific locations along the RapidRide G corridor. This work will address portions of roadway that were not replaced earlier. The milling includes adding a fresh new layer of pavement that creates a smoother roadway surface. Most of this work is set to take place during nighttime hours and could cause short-term, temporary disruptions to traffic. No long-term closures are planned in association with this work. In May, our crews will return to each of these areas to finish the asphalt and concrete work. 

Future comfort station 

Construction on the future comfort station in Madison Valley continues. We finished repaving the roadway in this area and have started to build the platform and foundation for the structure that will serve our operators. Construction will continue into the spring.

construction work of future comfort station Madison BRT

Construction work in the future comfort station area


Detours and Closures 

Madison Street will be reduced to one lane in downtown 

In mid-March, we started conducting trenching and utility conduit work in the area of 2nd Ave and Madison St. During this work, Madison St. was reduced to one lane. This lane reduction remains in place.  

15th Ave has reopened and is now southbound-only    

15th Ave, north of E Madison St., has reopened to vehicle traffic. However, this section of 15th Ave is open to southbound traffic only. This segment of 15th Ave will remain southbound-only permanently.   

Access to E Madison St from southbound 28th Ave is back open  

Vehicle access connecting to E Madison St. or Martin Luther King Jr Way from southbound 28th Ave has reopened. Our crews have completed most of the sidewalk and utility work in this area and no longer require a roadway closure. It is possible that there will be short-term closures to southbound 28th Ave when our crews revisit the area to complete additional sidewalk and driveway work.  

What we’ve been working on 

  • Formed and poured 511 square yards of concrete roadway panels. Be advised the paving is largely complete and we are wrapping smaller areas at intersections or in front of driveway with special access considerations.
  • Formed and poured 498 feet of concrete curb.
  • Formed and poured 953 square yards of concrete sidewalk.
  • Formed and poured 168 square yards of concrete driveways.
  • Installed 46 new signal heads.
  • Installed 27 signal and light pole foundations.
  • Trenched and installed 7,992 feet of signal and lighting conduit, including 64 new underground electrical vaults and junction boxes.

The RapidRide G – Madison St project surpassed the 80% completion mark earlier this year! Click here to learn more. 

King County Metro bus stop closures & relocations 

As construction continues, we will need to temporarily reroute buses or close and relocate bus stops. These detours and closures can change frequently. Please visit King County Metro's Transit Alert page for the most accurate information and sign up for Metro Transit Alerts. Metro Alerts are the best way to stay up to date on bus reroutes and impacts to bus stops. 

Transit Alerts

Did you know? People with accessibility needs can book a trip using Metro Access. You can also use mapping tools like google maps to plan your bus trip and stay informed of bus stop closures and relocations. When you enter your trip, Google will alert you there are any bus stop closures on your route, including locations of relocated stops. If you have questions, you can reach King County Metro customer service at (206) 553-3000.  

A few of the longer-term bus reroutes include:   

  • The outbound Route 8 remains rerouted at 23rd Ave and connects to southbound Martin Luther King Jr Way via Union St. in Madison Valley. This detour is in place due to spatial constraints caused by ongoing sidewalk work in Madison Valley. This route is likely to remain detoured in this area into the spring. The inbound Route 8 has returned to its original alignment.  
  • The westbound Route 2 continues to be rerouted through Capitol Hill. This detour will remain in place until we complete paving and striping work on Union St between 11th and 12th Aves. We are aiming to complete this work later this spring and return the eastbound Route 2 to its original alignment. 

What’s coming up next month 

The information below is based on a preliminary schedule that is subject to change. Expect daytime work from 7 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday with some night and weekend work. 

Follow posted signs and detours for safe access through construction zones.   

We’re continuing to complete signal upgrades, new street lighting, and to install new bus shelters throughout the project corridor. Temporary signals and lighting will be removed as the new ones are completed.  

Downtown (1st Ave to 7th Ave)  

  • Sidewalk work 
    • Work on the southwest corner of Madison St. and 2nd Ave continues and is scheduled to be complete during the second week of April. 
    • At the corner of 7th and Madison St., our crews will return to finish concrete work on April 9.   
  • Signal and lighting work 
    • We continue to make progress on new signal installation downtown. New signals and lighting electrification work will continue through the spring. 

First Hill (7th Ave to Broadway Ave) 

  • Sidewalk work  
    • Our crews will put the finishing touches on new sidewalks at the corner of 8th Ave and Madison St. next week.  
    • We will resume sidewalk work at the corner of 9th and Spring St. in mid-April. This work rebuilds the existing sidewalk. This work will take about 2 weeks.  
    • On the west side of 9th Ave between Madison St. and Spring St., our crews will put the final patches in place April 10-11.  
    • At the northwest corner of 9th Ave and Spring St., starting next week. 
    • Our crews will remove temporary asphalt patches and install the permanent concrete at the following intersections starting April 15: 
      • Boren Ave and Madison St. 
      • Minor Ave and Madison St. 
      • Summit Ave and Madison St. 
      • Boylston Ave and Madison St. 

Capitol Hill (Broadway to 23rd Ave) 

  • Sidewalk work 
    • At the intersection of 10th Ave and Seneca St., we will finish remaining sidewalk work starting April 2. 
    • On the south side of Madison St. between 14th and 15th Ave, sidewalk work will continue into mid-April.  
    • On the south side of Madison St. between 15th and 16th Ave, sidewalk work is wrapping up next week.  
    • At the northwest corner of E Madison St. and 17th Ave, work finished this week.  
    • Work on the north side of E Madison St. between 18th and 19th Ave is on schedule to wrap up in mid-April.
  • Center-running islands 
    • Work on the center Island at Union St. began last week and will continue through April.  
    • Construction on the future bike island near the northeast corner of 12th Ave and Madison St. will begin April 16. 
    • Construction on the center island at 14th Ave will begin April 9. 
  • Driveway work 
    • Crews will revisit the driveways on the north side of E Madison St. between 17th and 19th Ave on Friday night, April 19. This work will last through the weekend. 

Madison Valley (23rd Ave to Martin Luther King Jr Way) 

  • Sidewalk work 
    • Work on the northside of E Madison St., directly in front of Bailey Boushay House will begin later in April. Pedestrians will be able to use part of the sidewalk in this area despite the work.    
    • Work on the south side of E Madison St. between 27th Ave and Martin Luther King Jr Way began in mid-March and is underway.  
    • Work is underway constructing the new bus pad near the southwest corner of E Madison St and 27th Ave.  
    • Work at the southwest corner of Martin Luther King Jr Way and E Madison St. began last week. This work will connect the provide electrical connections to the new traffic signal.   
    • Work on the sidewalk area between 27th Ave and Martin Luther King Jr Way will begin when the bus pad work and signal work is complete. 
    • Work rebuilding the sidewalk on the southwest side of E Harrison St., in front of Julia Lee’s Park, wrapped up this week and the sidewalk in this area is back open to pedestrians.  
    • We will be building a new sidewalk around the future bus comfort station in the area west of Martin Luther King Jr Way and north of E Harrison St. 
  • Driveway work 
    • Our crews will revisit the driveway on the north side of E Madison St between 27th and 28th Ave to install permanent concrete.  
    • Our crews will revisit the driveways on the north side of E Arthur St., west of Martin Luther King Jr Way to install permanent concrete.  

Businesses Are Open in The Project Area 

Come by to support the wonderful small businesses in our project area! At times, it may be harder to see them behind our construction, but they are open! Some of these businesses include: 

  • Footprint Wine Tap: 1222 E Madison St suite c, Seattle, WA 98122 
  • Pony: 1221 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98122 
  • Banner Bank: 1222 E Madison St, Suite A, Seattle WA 98122 
  • Sugar & Shears Salon and Organic Spa: 1222 E Madison St E, Seattle, WA 98122 
  • Katsu Burger: 1410 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 
  • Mighty-O Donuts Capitol Hill: 1400 12th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 
  • Bombay Burger: 1420 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98122 
  • Westman's Bagel and Coffee: 1509 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98122 
  • Alpha Martial Arts: 1912 E Madison St Seattle, WA 98122  
  • Bequest Coffee Co: 2200 E Madison St, Seattle, WA  98112 
  • Nouvelle Nails & Spa: 2610 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • Baas Faming Studio: 2703 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • The Harvest Vine: 2701 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • Azuki: 2711 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • All The Best Pet Care: 2713 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • I Love Boba: Madison Square, 2719 E Madison St Unit 100, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • Just Around the Corner, Dog Grooming & Boutique: 2717 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • Coven Salon: 2719 E Madison St, Suite E, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • Kamp: 2800 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • Fury Women’s Consignment: 2810 E Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112 
  • Madison Nail Spa: 2914 E Madison St STE 108, Seattle, WA 98112 

If you have any questions about how to access these businesses or other businesses in our construction area, please let us know! We can provide you with more details on nearby closures and how you can navigate the construction to reach your favorite local businesses by bus, foot, or wheel (big or small). 

Information at your fingertips

Information graphic

Visit our website for the latest news and notes about what's happening in your area. There you can find information on construction impacts, renderings of project designs, contact information, and resources for neighbors and residents. You can also find links to previous project email updates.   


Phone: (206) 484-2780   


Thanks for your patience during construction!   

If you have concerns about accessibility or other issues with construction, please send us your address, contact information, and concerns so we can better understand and work together throughout construction.  

Want to learn more about the project? 

Visit our website to see what Madison St will look like once the project is complete. Please share these email updates with others who may be interested and encourage people to subscribe on our webpage. If you would prefer not to receive future email updates, or if this email was forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe, click on the links below to manage your email preferences.    

Thank you!    

Darrell Bulmer – RapidRide G Line Outreach Lead   

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After two years of public engagement, the comprehensive Seattle Transportation Plan is ready for the Seattle City Council's consideration! This 20-year vision integrates all modes of travel into one accessible plan. From walking and biking to taking transit and delivering freight, it's designed with every Seattleite in mind. For the full scoop, check out the SDOT Blog.

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