First Round of Wildlife Friendly Fencing Funds Allocated, on 'pause' for now
The State Conservation Commission (SCC), along with our partners at WDFW and DNR, through the Washington Shrubsteppe Restoration and Resiliency Initiative (WSRRI), recently awarded funds to seven wildlife-friendly fencing projects in Washington’s shrubsteppe (Columbia plateau ecoregion, see map below) that were submitted in this fall’s solicitation for applications. We received more projects than we had funding for and were unable to fund all the requests that we received. Awards are ‘on pause’ for now. There is a possibility that additional WSRRI funds for wildlife-friendly fencing projects may become available later this biennium, and we will keep you posted if they do.
Applicants are welcome to continue to submit proposals to add projects to the queue if there is another funding round, and to also provide SCC information around fencing needs that we can reference when we request additional funds from the legislature. This goes a long way in securing future funding for these important projects!
Learn more about the WSRRI Wildlife Friendly Fencing Program in the funding procedures and wildlife-friendly fence specifications.
Apply here to add projects to the queue for future funding awards and to inform legislative requests. We will advertise future funding opportunities.
Please reach out to Allisa Carlson, SCC, with any questions or comments., 360-480-6686