Guidelines give direction as to what projects RPPP can fund.
After seeking and incorporating feedback from conservation districts, updates were proposed to SCC commissioners at the July 20 meeting and approved.
Edits to the guidelines included adding the following activities to eligible project types: staff time associated with developing and coordinating an RPPP project, utilities that pertain solely to an existing RPPP holding site, and unanticipated maintenance repairs costs.
SCC is in the process of evaluating bids from nurseries interested in participating in a contract to grow and supply native trees and shrubs for riparian restoration projects.
The project timeline will begin in August 2023, with deliverables due by June 30, 2025. Contracts may be extended by 2 additional one-year terms for plants that need a longer propagation time frame.
Stay tuned for an online annual “plant needs” form, in which conservation districts and other restoration groups will have the opportunity to provide information on plant species and quantity anticipated to be needed for restoration projects by the end of the grow period.