VSP Monitoring Symposium (Spring 2022)
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
VSP Monitoring Symposiums are intended to aid VSP counties as they prepare for VSP 5-year reports in an effort to ensure all counties can be successful within VSP. Content is intended to provide a shared framework for VSP monitoring themes - such as critical area functions and values, stakeholder participation, and the implementation of conservation practices - to support VSP work groups with monitoring and reporting.
Spring Session Objectives: The first portion on this symposium will focus on Madison County – an imagined county loosely based on a composite of actual WA counties – in order to provide an example of how monitoring can be conducted within VSP. We will draw on examples from VSP counties, where possible, to strengthen linkages between content in the monitoring guide and activities occurring within VSP across the state.
The second portion of the symposium is an opportunity to discuss questions, concerns, and feedback related to VSP monitoring. The following prompts are meant to stimulate discussion:
(i) Which areas of VSP monitoring are you or your work group finding the most challenging to implement?
(ii) Are there aspects of VSP monitoring that you feel still need further clarification? If so, which ones?
(iii) Any questions or suggestions you have to improve VSP monitoring are welcome
**Please send questions (e.g., based on prompts above) in advance of the symposium to allow staff to prepare information and responses. You can submit questions using the VSP Monitoring Forum Survey form or via email to Levi Keesecker at: lkeesecker@scc.wa.gov. Please send questions by April 14th in order for sufficient time for staff consideration.**
For reference, an outline of previous & future VSP monitoring sessions as well as results from the last VSP monitoring survey can be found on the SCC's VSP website here.
Please use the link and info below to join the VSP Monitoring Symposium on April 27th, 2022 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT:
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 837 9692 1159
Passcode: 670438
Dial by your location: +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)