Fact sheets on SCC/CD state budget requests - available now

Washington State Conservation Commission

Fact sheets on SCC/CD state budget requests - available now

The Washington State Conservation Commission (SCC) has submitted 2021-2023 state budget requests to support conservation districts and voluntary conservation work over the next biennium. 

Here are two fact sheets with overviews of what we requested from the Capital and Operating budgets. We hope this helps give a clear picture of what was requested and some general talking points about what each individual request will do and what's at risk if they're not funded.  

Capital Budget Request

  • Summarizes requests for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, Irrigation Efficiencies, Natural Resource Investments, State Match for the Regional Conservation Partnership Program, and Shellfish Program. 
Capital Budget Handout

Operating Budget Request

  • Summarizes requests for Conservation Technical Assistance, Food Policy, and the Voluntary Stewardship Program.  
Operating Budget Handout

We'll be creating and sharing more materials on each individual request in the coming months. 

Thank you for helping us develop our budget requests! 


SCC Budget/Budget Development

Legislative Session

Budget Communication/Outreach Materials