Discover the Magic of Redmond Lights, Happy New Year, Stay Informed About Upcoming Downtown Parking Changes, and more

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City News

Your weekly update from the City of Redmond.

Redmond Lights

Discover the Magic of Redmond Lights

Did you know the artwork featured in Downtown Park for Redmond Lights is commissioned new annually? Each year, artists apply with their vision to contribute to the winter celebration. Their ideas help to transform Downtown Park into an awe-inspiring display of lights and art. You have until Jan. 4 to check out the six artworks and four videos chosen for this year’s event.

Learn more about Redmond Lights

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

We wish you a very happy and healthy new year. In observance of the holiday, city facilities will be closed on Monday, Jan. 1. Fire, Police, and other critical services will remain fully operational. City Hall will reopen to the community at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 2.

Downtown Parking Changes

Stay Informed About Upcoming Downtown Parking Changes

As a reminder, parking enforcement in Downtown will change beginning next week to 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Saturday, impacting on-street parking and the Redmond Central Connector lot. Additionally, parking enforcement will no longer issue warnings and vehicles that are in violation of the on-street parking restrictions will be ticketed. These changes are effective as of Jan. 1, 2024.

Learn more about parking

Adopt A Drain

Make a Difference in Your Neighborhood

Adopting a neighborhood storm drain is easy and can help reduce street flooding and prevent pollution. Most storm drains flow unfiltered into local streams and rivers, and harmful pollution from pet waste, decomposing leaves, and trash can harm wildlife like fish and frogs. By adopting a storm drain and spending just 15 minutes a month cleaning around it, you can make a big difference.

Learn more and adopt a drain today

Don't Flush Wipes

Keep Trash Out of the Sewer

The City’s sewer system is not designed to transport or break down trash. Sewers are designed to transport organic waste using a minimal amount of water. Small objects like plastic bags, hygiene products, and trash can lead to expensive problems like sewer backups and damaged pipes.

Learn more about this essential system

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