Marking the 22nd Anniversary of September 11, Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month, Help Design Southeast Redmond Park, and more

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City News

Your weekly update from the City of Redmond.

September 11

Marking the 22nd Anniversary of September 11

Please join us in remembering and honoring those lost on Sept. 11, 2001, as well as the brave heroes, armed forces, and first responders who protected our nation and continue to do so.

2023 National Hispanic Heritage Month


Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month 

During last week’s City Council meeting, Mayor Birney proclaimed Sept. 15 – Oct. 15, 2023, as National Hispanic Heritage Month in Redmond. Annually, this month is recognized as a time to honor the invaluable ways Hispanics, Chicana/os, and Latina/os contribute to our common goals, to celebrate their diverse and rich cultures, and to work together towards a stronger, more inclusive, and more prosperous society for all.

Proclamación disponible aquí

Read the proclamation in English


Southeast Redmond Park

Help Design Southeast Redmond Park

Join us this week for the Southeast Redmond Park Master Plan community meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 13. This is the first of three community meetings that will help shape the vision for the future Southeast Redmond Park. Attendees will learn about the steps to design the park and share feedback on what they want to see. Feedback received will help guide the design for this neighborhood park. The meeting will be held with the City of Redmond and Berger Partnership at Southeast Redmond Park (188th Avenue NE and NE 67th Street).

Learn more about the park


Join Us at Parks for Pollinators

Local pollinators are critical to our ecosystems and food supply. This weekend, come to Farrel-McWhirter Park from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 16, for kids’ activities, seed giveaways, and details about participating in the National Parks for Pollinators campaign. Parks for Pollinators is organized by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA).

Learn more and sign up

Welcoming Week

Help Make Redmond More Welcoming

The City is continuing conversations related to Redmond 2050 and how to make Redmond a more welcoming place. This fall, the focus will be on creating an inclusive and welcoming community for all by exploring policies around how the city looks and makes the community feel. Specifically, staff want to hear from you about how Redmond is designed and built in a way that makes you feel welcome, comfortable, safe, included, and proud, as well as what could be improved. Save the date - Thursday, Oct. 26. Details about the time and location will be shared soon.

Learn more and share feedback

Document Shredding Event


Securely Shred Personal Documents

Join us from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 17, at the Bella Bottega QFC, 8867 161st Ave NE, for a free city-sponsored shredding event. This event is open to all Redmond residents, and a great opportunity to securely shred any documents with important personal information. Only bring personal or confidential documents, and limit your quantity to five banker boxes or an equivalent amount. Pre-shredded materials, CDs, DVDs, binders, or plastic bags are prohibited. All documents are shredded and recycled on-site. 



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