Celebrate Groundwater Awareness Week, March 8 is International Women’s Day, Prepare to Spring Forward with Daylight Saving Time, and more

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City News

Your weekly update from the City of Redmond.

Recent COVID-19-related Updates

Last week, Washington State and King County announced mask mandates will be removed beginning Saturday, March 12, based on declining COVID-19 rates and hospital occupancies. Review the  Public Health – Seattle & King County guidelines.

Groundwater Awareness

Celebrate Groundwater Awareness Week

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one-third of Americans — more than 102 million people — get their drinking water from public water systems that use groundwater. Did you know that 40% of Redmond’s drinking water comes from groundwater wells located in Redmond? Discover how you can protect and conserve this precious resource during National Groundwater Awareness Week, March 6 - 12!

Learn more about protecting groundwater

International Women's Day

March 8 is International Women’s Day

International Women's Day is celebrated globally, tomorrow, March 8. It is intended to recognize women for their achievements, regardless of divisions, whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic, or political. This includes reflecting on the progress made and still to gain, a call to action and change, and a time to celebrate the acts of courage, sacrifice, and determination.

Read Mayor Birney’s proclamation

Daylight Savings Time

Prepare to Spring Forward with Daylight Saving Time

As a reminder, daylight saving time begins March 13. Be sure to change your clocks one hour ahead and check the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

Redmond 2050

Share Your Thoughts on Redmond 2050

In 2021 the community shared their priorities for future housing, economic vitality, and transportation in Redmond. The City used this information to create first drafts of those chapter policies for the updated Redmond Comprehensive Plan. We want you to review these and let us know your feedback.

Review the draft policies and share your thoughts

Free Online Tax Help

Get Free Tax Help Online

Do you need help with your taxes this year? United Way King County is offering free tax help now through Thursday, April 21. IRS-certified volunteers will be available virtually and in person at multiple locations across King County to offer you free tax preparation assistance.

Learn more about how to get tax help

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