 Save the Date for Summer Camp Registration 2022
Get ready to choose your adventure for this year's summer camps! Registration opens at 8 a.m. on April 25 for residents and at 8 a.m. on May 2 at for non-residents.
In a twist on the classic game show, everyone gets a shot at the same question and a chance to take over the board. Ages 13 - 16 years old can play solo or as a team and win prizes!
Enjoy friendly competition in the world of online gaming! GG Leagues is an esports platform for both new and experienced gamers to compete across various game titles. With leagues for youth, teens, and adults, there’s a esports league for everyone.
Beat the Bunny 5K
Join us for the Beat the Bunny 5K Run & Walk, a fun, family friendly-event! Whether you plan to run, walk, stroll, or hop, if you Beat the Bunny you'll win a prize! The new centrally located route goes along the scenic Sammamish River Trail and includes a free kids’ dash.