Quilters Bring Warmth to the Community, Get Housing Repair Assistance, Give Input on Stormwater Management Plan, and more

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City News

Your weekly update from the City of Redmond.

Senior Quilting Group

Quilters Bring Warmth to the Community

The Senior Quilting Group recently donated several quilts to the YWCA Family Village in Redmond. They have also made quilts for Ronald McDonald House, Sibling House, and pet quilts for local animal shelters. This interest group is open to anyone ages 50 and up and meets from 1 - 3 p.m. every Wednesday at City Hall.

Learn more about joining the Senior Quilting Group

Housing Repair Assistance

Get Housing Repair Assistance

The King County Housing Repair Program helps Redmond income-qualified homeowners and renters who have special needs obtain low-cost loans and grants for housing repair services. Funds can be used to replace a roof, install a new septic system, address emergency health and safety conditions, and more. Additionally, renters with disabilities can have their units made more accessible.

Learn more about the Housing Repair Assistance program

Stormwater Management Plan Feedback

Give Input on the Stormwater Management Plan

Redmond is currently seeking community input on its draft 2022 Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) plan. The SWMP plan discusses the City’s stormwater management activities and priorities to meet Clean Water Act permit obligations. Share your thoughts on this vital piece of the City’s environmental sustainability vision.

Review the plan and provide feedback

Street Maitenance

Prepping for Spring Street Maintenance

Redmond’s Public Works Streets Division is already gearing up for spring. With drier weather comes a wide variety of tasks essential for maintaining the right of way, including pavement repair, sidewalk cleaning, vegetation trimming, curb painting, and lane marker replacement.

Learn more about city street operations

Tote Bag Design Contest

Enter Tote Bag Design Contest

Want to design a part of Redmond history? The Redmond Historical Society has announced their limited-edition Tote Bag Design Contest. They are looking for a fun and lively design with the theme “I Love Redmond Historical Society” that showcases the historical society’s dedication to Redmond’s history. The submission deadline is March 12.

Learn more and enter the design contest

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