Jan. 18, 2022
In this issue:
Recently re-elected commissioners Dick Marzano, John McCarthy, and Don Meyer will be sworn in at the start of the Jan. 20 commission meeting. The commission will then consider authorization of $75,000 for security upgrades to the Port Administration Building and $125,000 for the Ports CCTV Expansion project. They will also review commission board and work group assignments and receive a briefing on the Tideflats Freight Mobility Study and a Workforce Development update. Read the full agenda.
The public meeting begins at noon and will be streamed live on the Port of Tacoma’s website. You can also listen to the meeting by phone by calling (253) 617-4257 and entering the conference ID number: 216 423 273#. Public comment may be delivered by phone or email, please visit our public comment procedure page for more information.
On December 21, 2021, the Port of Tacoma was awarded a $15.73 million grant through the Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) to help fund construction of an off-dock container support facility. PIDP grants are awarded on a competitive basis for projects that will improve the safety, efficiency, or reliability of the movement of goods into, out of, around, or within a port. “As we continue to see increasing levels of marine cargo activity at our port, it is imperative that we move forward with infrastructure projects like this in order to create and maintain family-wage jobs, improve supply chain efficiencies and lower air emissions by reducing truck congestion,” stated Commissioner Dick Marzano. “This partnership and investment help ensure that the Port of Tacoma continues to serve as an important economic driver in our region.”
In that spirit, the Port continues work on infrastructure projects including the Puget Sound Gateway and Interstate 5/Port of Tacoma Road interchange. Once completed, these improvements will help mitigate the challenges of the current supply chain backlog.
Despite extremely wet conditions in the past month, progress continues on the Port's Lower Wapato Creek Habitat Project. The stream channel has been successfully connected and augmented by the relocation of the old Wapato ditch to meander through the new wetlands. The deck has been poured for the new fish-passable full-span bridge at 12th Street East.
When complete, the project is anticipated to create an 18.52-acre of wetland, estuary, mudflat, and fish habitat site in close proximity to a number of other habitat restoration sites along Wapato Creek and on the Commencement Bay Tideflats. The next phase, which will provide site-wide irrigation and landscape planting, is planned to be completed at the end of 2024.
Watch a short video overview of the project here.
Throughout the month of January, the Port of Tacoma is proud to participate in Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking (BEST)'s #NotAlone Campaign, the first-ever statewide initiative to encourage victims of human trafficking to seek help. The more we can make our communities aware of the crime of human trafficking, the better we can help prevent it. If you or someone you know is experiencing force, fraud, or coercion, call 1-888-373-7888 or text 233733 for assistance.
“There was the slightest mist of rain and the seemingly ever present squawking of gulls.” - The Sitcum Waterway, snapped last week by Diana Meister.
Have you taken any beautiful photos of the Port or Commencement Bay recently? We would love to see them! Post them on social media and don't forget to tag @PortofTacoma. You can also email them to us at portinfo@portoftacoma.com.