OSPI will be hosting a Statewide Fall All Call on October 10, 11:30 am - 1 pm, to improve awareness of Open Doors Youth Reengagement rules, requirements, policy updates and general information.
This statewide meeting will include the following:
- Break out with peers
- OSPI Updates
- Rules, requirements, and policies
2024-25 Running Start Rates for Open Doors & ALE
- Nonvocational Rate: $10,037.85
- Vocational Rate: $10,916.85 (for college courses >100 level only)
October 31, 2024, is the due date for Open Doors End-of-Year (EOY) reporting for the 2023-2024 school year. Log-in to the EDS application and enter your Open Doors data.
Open Doors districts and programs are encouraged to read the EDS User Guide for Youth Reengagement and watch previously recorded webinars.
EOY guidance materials can be found in the “Annual Reporting Information” section of the resources webpage.
Due Date: EOY submissions are due October 31, 2024
If you would like assistance, please contact Lisa Ireland at lisa.ireland@k12.wa.us.
Structure and predictability make a positive difference for students. Here are evidence-based strategies that educators can implement to help retain youth in Open Doors programs:
Clear Expectations and Routines:
Establish clear expectations for behavior and academic engagement. Routines provide predictability and stability for students. Research by Mitchell, Hirn, and Lewis emphasizes the importance of foundational strategies like clear expectations and routines. These practices help create a structured environment where students know what is expected of them.
Maximize Structure and Predictability:
Simonsen and colleagues identified 20 classroom management skills, including maximizing structure and predictability. This involves creating consistent schedules, clear procedures, and well-defined rules. When students understand the structure, they feel more secure and focused.
These strategies should be tailored to the unique context of your Open Doors Youth Reengagement program. By incorporating evidence-based practices, we can offer a more predictable and supportive learning environment.
Do you want to improve your awareness and understanding of Open Doors Youth Reengagement? Are you looking for sessions that discuss program rules and best practices? Would you like information on national reengagement efforts? Consider joining the options below!
Open Doors Professional Learning Community (PLC)
The Washington state Open Doors Professional Learning Community (PLC) is up and running! The PLC is open to all Open Doors leaders and staff looking to connect with peers on implementation strategies and resources. The PLC meets on the third Monday of each month, 2:45 to 4:15 pm. Attending the PLC is optional and not required.
If you would like to join, please contact Jeff McCabe, Director of the Gravity Open Doors program at ESD 113.
Case Manager Network for Open Doors
The Washington state Open Doors Case Manager Network will meet several times in the 2024-2025 school year. Meetings are virtual and happen every other month. The goals of the Case Manager Network are for case managers to meet others and share favorite tools, practices, and lessons learned relative to Open Doors Youth Reengagement. Attending the Case Manager Network is optional and not required.
2024-25 Network Dates: 2-3 pm, Tuesdays, September 10, November 12, January 14, March 11 and May 13
Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences.
The Case Manager Network is facilitated by OSPI's Attendance and Reengagement Program Specialist Jenna Millett and ESD 101's Case Manager Melissa Claxton.
Open Doors Office Hours
These OSPI-hosted sessions aim to increase technical support to programs and their staff. Each office hour session will include OSPI personnel who can answer questions and provide guidance on program issues. Key topics will be covered, and general Q&A will occur. All levels and types of Open Doors employees and support staff are welcome to join. Office hours are optional, not required. Meetings are virtual and happen every other month.
2024-25 Open Doors office hour dates: 2-3 pm, October 8, December 10, February 11, April 8, June 10.
Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences.
By registering once you have the option to attend any of the occurrences. Office Hours are hosted by OSPI's Mandy Paradise, Liz Quayle, and Jenna Millett.
National Reengagement Peer Learning Communities
The National League of Cities (NLC) offers a variety of peer learning communities specifically for reengagement programs. If you’re interested in joining an NLC small peer learning community, see the four (4) options below:
- Rural communities
- State Education Agencies (next meeting: Wed 2/28 4-5 pm EST / 1-2 pm PST)
- New and Emerging reengagement initiatives, and
- Established reengagement efforts who would like to “Dig Deeper” into subject matter.
To join a peer learning community, please reach out to NLC’s Shira Davidson at davidson@nlc.org. Shira is available to answer questions and other requests connected to joining a peer learning community.
 This September and October, OSPI is hosting a series of Listen and Learn sessions at each of the nine regional ESDs. During these events, participants will learn about the upcoming statewide transition to a universal High School and Beyond Plan platform. The transition is set to begin in Fall 2025. Sessions exist for staff, families and community partners.
In-person sessions:
9/19: ESD 189 Anacortes
9/24: ESD 113 Tumwater
9/26: ESD 112 Vancouver
9/30: ESD 121 Renton
10/1: ESD 171 Wenatchee
10/2: ESD 114 Bremerton
10/7: ESD 123 Pasco
10/8: ESD 105 Yakima
Registration is required, including for students and families. Everyone can sign up for the session that best fits their role using this HSBP Listen & Learn Registration Link or the QR code on the flyer.
Virtual sessions:
For those unable to make an in-person event, there are virtual sessions available. Participants can use the same HSBP Listen & Learn Registration Link or QR code on the flyer to sign up for one of the virtual Listen & Learn sessions. Zoom links will be shared with registered participants one hour before each session.
Virtual Listen & Learn Sessions:
Monday, October 21 | 1:30 pm–3 pm | School Staff & Educational Organizations
Monday, October 21 | 4 pm–5 pm | Students & Families
Monday, October 28 | 3 pm–4:30 pm | School Staff & Educational Organizations
Monday, October 28 | 5 pm–6 pm | Students & Families
Questions? Contact Jill Diehl, jill.diehl@k12.wa.us
 A recent Seattle Times article summarizes a variety of work experience services and resources available to high school students. The article focuses on Career Connect Washington and is well worth the read. We encourage Open Doors Youth Reengagement Programs to consider how worksite learning and employer-school partnerships can enhance student experience.
Photo: Image capture from Partnership for Learning article video.
The RAPSA Forum 2024 is an educational conference that brings together leaders, policymakers, and practitioners to explore innovative practices and strategies for serving At-Promise Students—those who face unique challenges but also possess immense potential.
When: November 6-8, 2024
Where: This in-person conference will be held at the beautiful Coronado Marriott Hotel, 2000 2nd St., Coronado, CA 92118.
OSPI and Education Northwest will be presenting on Open Doors at RAPSA!
OSPI's Attendance & Reengagement Specialist Jenna Millett and Education Northwest Researcher Julie Petrokubi will be presenting at the RAPSA Forum this year!
Check out their session: Promising practices across six diverse reengagement programs: Opening Doors for Young People Statewide
Event title: Open Doors Summer Pilot Project Presentation - An Overview and Preliminary Outcomes from Year One
Date: November 12, 9 am-12:30 pm
Presenters: OSPI staff and the Education Northwest evaluation team
Join us for an overview of the Summer Pilot Project and preliminary data findings. In 2022-2023, Open Doors was legislatively directed pilot offering summer school and prioritizing services for students who had previously experienced detention or incarceration. We will touch on year-round school, summer attendance, community partnerships, serving justice-impacted students, and student reengagement.
Tip: Copy-paste this information and add it on your calendar for Nov. 12 at 9 am.
GATE Equity Webinar Series - Regular monthly webinars. Information and registration available through the GATE website.
Statewide Open Doors All-Call - October 10, 2024
2024 Annual RAPSA Conference - November 6-8, 2024
Email the Open Doors team for support with your questions at OpenDoors@k12.wa.us.
You can also call the new Open Doors voicemail line at 360-725-4958.
Past Newsletters:
Check our website for previous years' newsletter topics.
Mandy Paradise, M.Ed
Open Doors Program Supervisor
Email Mandy 360-789-3949