Click here or the image above for a monthly calendar of events.
Here is a short list of resources for CSCP teams to use to get started and save in one spot as we enter the new school year:
Join us for a new Interactive 2-part webinar series, CSCP Summit Strategies: Navigating the Trailhead and Beyond! (Flyer) This series provides deep dives and technical assistance to support teams with the essential tools and practices needed to lay strong foundations for success at the start of the school year with walkthroughs, collaborative discussions, practice exercises, and tips to implement a more effective and impactful program.
Registration is required and FREE clock hours are available.
Couldn't make the August CSCP webinar? You can now watch through Zoom and still earn the FREE 1.5 clock hours. Follow these steps:
Register for the webinar to access the Zoom recording.
- After watching the webinar, use this link to complete the evaluation.
- After submitting the evaluation, you will receive a pdEnroller self-claim code. Visit pdEnroller and enroll in Event #171694.
- Navigate to the 'Claim Clock Hours' page using the dropdown menu in the top right corner. Then enter your code to claim your hours.
Exciting News! A survey tailored for School Counselors and Administrators will soon arrive in your inbox. The research is funded by key stakeholders including WSCA, ESD 105 in Yakima, Hatching Results with a team led by Dr. Mandy Savitz-Romer of Harvard. Your participation is crucial and we are sending our gratitude in advance for your time and input!
Your 5-7 minute survey response will help:
- Understand the needs related to CSCP improvement,
- Identify ways in which leaders can support you and CSCPs,
Advocate for students to have equitable access to CSCPs across the state, and
- Advocate for additional CSCP resources, staffing, and support
Date: The survey is being sent soon from Qualtrics
Action Required: Sign up for the survey here. Check your spam for an email sent by cscp_advocacy@qemailserver.com in case it's filtered there
Live Hatching Results Workshops, Up to a $125 Value Each - Free to You for a Limited Time
Pre-paid vouchers are available to register for Hatching Results' live virtual learning events this school year including new options and returning favorites. Registration is first come, first served - reserve your spot today.
Click the image for a full flyer with active links to share with your networks
NAKIA is a mentoring and leadership academy by people of color and open to people of color that covers Mentor Academy 101 and Mentor Academy 201 content that is specific for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) educators.
Register now for the first-ever Leadership Conference in Spokane, WA! Join WSCA for two days of collaboration, learning sessions, networking, and amazing keynote addresses.
This conference is open to all school counselors and their administrators! An administrator Saturday pass is available and includes a one-year affiliate membership with WSCA.
Designing Accessible Graduation Pathways for All Students
Presenters include Candace Conroy - Director of K-12 Curriculum & Instruction at AGC Education Foundation, Alexandra Toney - Program Improvement Supervisor at OSPI, Maria Muto - Secondary School Counseling Program Supervisor at OSPI, Stanley Weaver - CTE Program Supervisor at OSPI, and Kefi Andersen - Assistant Director of Early Warning Systems at OSPI
Date: Wednesday, September 11
Time: 10:00-11:30 AM
Clock Hours: 1.5 EQUITY hours
Action Required: Register today!
OSPI's attendance team has a wealth of resources to share as you being the school year. Including Anxiety & School Avoidance: Is your child missing school due to anxiety? (Attendance Works)
Check out their latest newsletter to learn more!
Periodically, the state is required to review and revise the state’s learning standards, which define what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. Following a year-long process of working with teachers, school and district leaders, and community partners, drafts of revised standards in English language arts, math, and science are now available.
A recorded webinar will be made available on the Learning Standards Review webpage. Educators, students, families, and community members are encouraged to review the drafts in English language arts, math, and science, and provide their comments to OSPI through an online survey available from August 16 through September 13. We appreciate your partnership in supporting additional engagement and feedback to the revised learning standards.
OSPI will be hosting statewide HSBP Listen & Learn Events in partnership with each Educational Service District (ESD) during September and October, 2024. Join us to learn more about the Universal HSBP platform, implementation planning, and to provide important feedback that will inform OSPIs implementation process.
In-person sessions are available at each ESD for school staff, community partners, families, and students, along with virtual session options. You must register to attend. Sign up for the session that best fits you at the HSBP Listen & Learn Registration Link (Flyer) We look forward to learning from you!
New HSBP Advisory Councils including school district, agency, and community partners from across Washington state will also begin meeting this fall. The councils will inform OSPIs development of guidance and resources to support statewide implementation of the Universal HSBP platform, which is projected to begin in Fall 2025. The six HSBP Advisory Councils include:
Career & College Readiness Curriculum Development
Professional Development & Training Planning
Platform Implementation Planning
Technology & Student Data Planning
Community Based Organization Engagement & Planning
Exploration for Expanding the Platform to 5th Grade
We look forward to learning from everyone who participates in both of these stakeholder engagement opportunities!
Join us for the Grad Team Office Hour (flyer) to connect with experts across various program areas. This is your chance to get insights and answers on:
- Dual Credit Programs
- Career Connect Washington
- High School and Beyond Planning
- Secondary School Counseling
Whether you have questions, need advice, or just want to engage with your peers, this office hour is the perfect opportunity.
🔗 Meeting Link:
Google Calendar: Coming soon!
Looking forward to your participation!
The Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA)announcedthat the 2025-26 FAFSA will open on December 1, 2024, following a testing period beginning October 1. The Washington Application for State Financial Aid (WASFA) will also follow a similar timeline.
The 12th Year Campaign will be hosting FREE virtual financial aid nights in Spanish and English where any and all students, families, and guardians can receive support creating their FSA ID. WSAC has also created resources to support meeting Financial Aid Advising Day requirements during the delay. Join WSAC in October for a webinar walk through of the resources they have developed to support financial aid completion. More information will be shared in the coming weeks/months about these opportunities.
Stay updated with the latest from WSAC as they continue to support students with their financial aid applications.
In-person 9/9-9/13, 8:00 AM-2:00 PM
Virtual Option 9/17, 8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Join us for a webinar to hear updates about the 2025-26 financial aid application processes and walk away with lots of resources to support students and families this year. We'll also have a guest from the Financial Education Public-Private Partnership (FEPPP) speak about how a trauma-informed lens can help families and educators connect and talk about money.
Time: 9:00-10:30 AM
Date: Wednesday, October 2
Free Clock Hours: 1.5
Action Required: Register today!
Did you know that the WA Grant is also available to apprentices in state registered apprenticeships? Apprentices in a growing number of approved apprenticeship sponsor organizations are eligible to apply for WA Grant for Apprenticeship (WG-A). If these programs are in your districts, please remind them that these funds are available to support apprentices. For more info, staff may reach out to apprenticeship@wsac.wa.gov; or 888.535.0747, option 9. WA-Grant-for-Apprenticeship-apprentices-flyer-2024.pdf
Contact Us
Secondary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Maria Muto, maria.muto@k12.wa.us