October 31, 2024, is the due date for Open Doors End-of-Year (EOY) reporting for the 2023-2024 school year. Log-in to the EDS application and enter your Open Doors data.
Open Doors districts and programs are encouraged to read the EDS User Guide for Youth Reengagement and watch previously recorded webinars.
EOY guidance materials can be found in the “Annual Reporting Information” section of the resources webpage.
Due Date: EOY submissions are due October 31, 2024
If you would like assistance, please contact Lisa Ireland at lisa.ireland@k12.wa.us.
Please join us for the 2024-25 Open Doors Case Manager Peer Learning Network on the 2nd Tuesday of every other month starting in September!
This virtual session will be facilitated by OSPI's Attendance and Reengagement Program Specialist Jenna Millett and ESD 101's Case Manager Melissa Claxton. Sessions will focus on connecting Case Managers in peer learning. Meet others to share your favorite tools, best practices, and lessons learned.
2024-25 Open Doors Case Manager Network Dates:
Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences
 The OSPI Open Doors team will be hosting Office Hours for the 2024-25 school year on the 2nd Tuesday of every other month starting in October. This will give program staff the opportunity to drop in with any questions they may have.
Office Hours Dates:
- Tuesday, October 8
- Tuesday, December 10
- Tuesday, February 11
- Tuesday, April 8
- Tuesday, June 10
Attendees register once and can attend any of the occurrences
Ten Open Doors Youth Reengagement programs participated in this summer’s pilot. They developed partnerships, created curricular supports, and prepared wrap-around services so that students could thrive in July and August.
The Summer Pilot Project had two areas of focus: 1) offering robust summer learning opportunities and 2) supporting the reengagement of post-resident youth.
An interdisciplinary literature review highlights the shared strategies across the two focus areas. When implemented, these Common Strategies result in positive outcomes for youth. The Common Strategies include:
Collaborate across organizations, systems, and sectors to reduce barriers and provide whole person support.
Center relationships and offer engaging learning opportunities grounded in the priorities of young people and families.
Promote continuous learning and improvement among staff to ensure the learning environment is responsive to students.
The Summer Pilot Project was designed to improve student engagement that would result in academic and career development progress, especially for students who have previously been detained. Through a commitment to the Common Strategies, we hoped to see improved student progress and participation, and improved student well-being and reduced recidivism. A forthcoming evaluation report will be released later this year.
Want more information about the Summer Pilot Project? Read through our archived newsletters (scroll to bottom of page) and the three brief points, below:
House Bill 5187, Sec. 522 provided summer pilot funding for several Open Doors programs that serve a high percentage of post-resident youth.
- Programs piloted new or expanded summer learning opportunities and partnerships and to reduce barriers to student learning or work relative to summer program participation.
GATE Equity Webinar Series - Regular monthly webinars with clock hours. Information, registration, and recordings available through the GATE website.
- August 14: Living into Your Values with School Culture
- September 11: College & Career Pathway for Students with Disabilities
- October 9: Harassment Intimidation & Bullying Case Studies for Classroom Behavior Supports
- November 13: Empowering Students & Families with Varying Immigration Status
- December 11: Overdose Response & Preparedness
- January 8: Artificial Intelligence Hacks for Leadership Teams
- February 12: Attendance Support for Students with Extended Absences
- March 12: Peer Mentoring & Empowering Youth Voice
- April 9: Alternative Learning Options
- May 14: Teacher Strategies for Supporting Mental Health in the Classroom
- 2024 Annual RAPSA Conference
Email the Open Doors team for support with your questions at OpenDoors@k12.wa.us.
You can also call the new Open Doors voicemail line at 360-725-4958.
Past Newsletters:
Check our website for previous years' newsletter topics.
Mandy Paradise, M.Ed
Open Doors Program Supervisor
Email Mandy 360-789-3949