April 24 | 8:30am - 4:30pm in Spokane
Trainer: Relevant Engagement, with Rashad Norris and Michael Tuncap
This in-person training defines and explains the juvenile justice system and offers networking with peers. Register using the button below:
April 26 | 8:00-9:00am
May 13 | 8:00-9:00am
Join us with questions related to school safety and student well-being, student discipline, harassment, intimidation & bullying, comprehensive school safety, threat assessment, behavioral health, and suicide prevention.
- Question and answer style office hours open to all district staff. Breakout rooms available for confidential topics.
- Hosted by State School Safety Center staff from the School Safety & Student Well-Being team and the Assistant Director of Restorative Practices & Student Discipline. Supported by Educational Service District Comprehensive School Safety Coordinators, Threat Assessment Coordinators, and Behavioral Health Navigators.
Office Hours will be hosted on the 2nd Monday and the 4th Friday of each month. Visit the OSPI School Safety Center and Student Discipline webpages for more information.
Did you miss the Graduation Equity webinar last Wednesday? You can still earn equity Clock Hours by watching the recording and completing the evaluation at the end.
What types of attendance data do we need?
Tier 1 - Universal Patterns for Prevention (examples: Monday - Friday, Periods 1-6, holiday dips)
Tier 2 - by barrier (examples: transportation, experiencing homelessness or foster care system, poor grading practices)
Tier 3 - Top 5% of students who are missing or severely chronically absent
Real World Examples
Where do I find more Attendance support?
OSPI recently released Regular Attendance data from school year 2022-23 on the OSPI Report Card.
How do I find the Regular Attendance data on Report Card?
What is Regular Attendance?
Regular Attendance on the OSPI Report Card is defined as having, on average, less than two absences per month, both excused and unexcused. Regular Attendance includes only full day absences reported to CEDARS, defined as missing at least half the school day. This measure includes students that were enrolled for at least 90 days at any given school.
Is Regular Attendance different than Chronic Absence?
Regular Attendance is the inverse of chronic absence, a research-based measure that includes students who have missed 10% or more of their school days, excused and unexcused.
What questions can Regular Attendance from the Report Card help us answer?
Is our regular attendance improving or declining since last year or over time?
Which student groups have the highest rates of absences (by race/ethnicity, FRL, Migrant, McKinney Vento, etc.)?
Which grades have the highest rates of absences?
Be sure to watch our collection of recordings on the OSPI Attendance & Truancy playlist channel.
Beginning with the 2024–25 school year, a new Washington state law requires each school district to publish OSPI’s model student handbook language in handbooks and on websites to notify their school community of district policies and procedures related to harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB); discrimination; sexual harassment; and gender-inclusive schools.
On April 5, 2024, OSPI published a bulletin to outline these new requirements, introduce the new model handbook language, and provide guidance on implementation:
The Model Student Handbook Language is also available on OSPI’s Notification Requirements, Staff Training, and Outreach Materials webpage. Translated versions of the Model Student Handbook Language will be available on this webpage soon.
Questions and Assistance
For questions regarding this bulletin or the new requirements, please contact Sarah Albertson, Managing Attorney, Equity and Civil Rights, at 360-725-6162 or email Sarah Albertson.
For questions regarding discriminatory harassment, sexual harassment, or gender-inclusive schools, contact the Equity and Civil Rights Office at 360-725-6162.
For questions regarding HIB, please contact the School Safety Center at 360-725-6068 or email schoolsafety@k12.wa.us.
Led by State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, OSPI oversees K-12 public education in Washington state. Our mission is to provide funding, resources, tools, data and technical assistance that enable educators to ensure students succeed in our public schools, are prepared to access post-secondary training and education, and are equipped to thrive in their careers and lives.