Note: Resources are provided for informational purposes and not as recommendations from OSPI. Resources referenced here may be for educators or parents and may not be intended for use in the classroom. We recommend reviewing all educational materials for alignment with district policy and state law before using with students. Articles and other resources are provided for informational purposes and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints or policies of OSPI.
"Better Condom Education for High School Students: Putting Data into Practice," 2/8/24, ETR blog.
"Puberty is Starting Earlier - Are Schools Keeping Up?," Edutopia, 1/19/24.
"Parent-Child Communication Best Practices," Advocates for Youth, 2/7/24.
"Social Media Companies Do Not Put Your Safety First," PSA for youth from Love146, 2/2/24.
"Consent, Kids, and Culture," Rosalia Rivera, TEDxOneonta.
"Protecting LGBTQ+ Students from Harm," ASCD, 2/1/24.
February is National School-Based Health Care Awareness Month.
"Healthy Relationships and Youth: How School-Based Health Providers Can Start the Conversation," School-Based Health Alliance, 5/1/22.
"How to Build a Menstruation Station at Your School," Edutopia, 3/16/22.
"No Cervical Cancer Cases in HPV-vaccinated Women," BBC, 1/22/24.
"The State of STIs" infographic from the CDC, Jan. 2024.
School-Based Behavioral Health Peer Support Services grant is open for applications. Up to 3 grants will be provided to Washington Schools. Applications accepted through 2/16/24.
School-Based Health Alliance Youth Advisory Council accepting applications through 2/29/24.
Washington Climate Education Summit: Moving Forward, Together (Apr. 19-20, Spokane)
The second annual Washington Climate Education Summit, sponsored by ClimeTime, seeks to develop a network of interdisciplinary educators ready to integrate climate solutions and understanding across all content areas and levels of education. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about climate science and integrating climate learning into their classrooms and have time to collaborate across and within grade levels and content areas. Free registration and clock hours. Applications accepted until 3/1/24.
The WA School-Based Health Center (SBHC) Community Advisory Board (CAB) is accepting applications from youth, parents/guardians, school staff, health care providers or community members. Applications accepted until 5 pm on 3/8/24.
Improving Adolescent Health and Well-Being Through School-Based Surveillance and the What Works in Schools Program, grant funding from the CDC. Applications due 4/1/24.
WA PREP for Healthy Youth, a federally funded teen pregnancy prevention program managed by the WA Dept. of Health and Cardea Services, is providing assistance to support school districts in WA with implementation of new requirements for comprehensive sexual health education. Assistance is available for curriculum selection, working with school boards, educating parents/caregivers and community, providing curriculum walk-throughs, core skills training for teachers, and more. Contact Aly Henniger for more information.
FLASH online licenses - OSPI has a limited number of first-time, one-year licenses available for middle and high school FLASH, for districts outside of King Co. For more information, contact
OSPI provides professional development to support the provision of sexual health education that is consistent with WA State Laws (RCW 28A.300.475 and AIDS Omnibus Act). To request a training on foundational skills (non-curriculum specific), advanced teacher skills, the KNOW curriculum, the FLASH curriculum, or Welcoming Schools, please contact
We provide information about other organizations' professional development as a resource for educators and not as a recommendation or endorsement.
Welcoming Schools provides free and reduced cost professional development to Title 1 schools related to creating a welcoming school climate and culture. Opportunities include virtual and in-person modules for elementary and secondary school staff, school climate assessments, train-the-trainer, booster sessions, keynotes, and consultations.
For a list of online professional development resources related to sexual health education, please see the training page of our website.
Self-paced FLASH Teacher Training Modules
School districts in King County, WA have free, year-round access to online, self-paced FLASH teacher training modules. Teachers in King County, WA can access the modules by contacting their school district health coordinator. Outside of King County, WA, these modules are available for 90-day purchase at The online FLASH training modules are designed for teachers and others who will be facilitating FLASH lessons at any grade level. They are short, self-paced modules that cover the most common questions teachers have. The modules include videos of real teachers modeling the skills.
For more information about OSPI's sexual health education training events, please see the training page of our website.
We provide information about other organizations' training opportunities as a resource for educators and not as a recommendation or endorsement.
Note: All times listed are Pacific Time Zone and during the day, and all are virtual, if not otherwise specified.
Feb. 12-Mar. 4, Mondays 12-2 - Facilitating [Sex Ed] From a Cultural Humility & Responsiveness Lens, Spark*ED.
Feb. 14, 10-11 - Sexual Health 101, Healthy Native Youth Community of Practice.
Feb. 14, 11-12 - Supporting Patient-Centered Contraceptive Care with the Health-E You/Salud ITU App™, School-Based Health Alliance.
Feb. 15, 5-8, Seattle area - Team Up Washington Train the Trainer, WSCADV.
Feb. 22, 2-3:30 - Following Their Lead: A Teen Dating Violence Action Month Panel, WSCADV.
Feb. 26-27, 3:30-5:30 - FLASH, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Feb. 27-28, Seattle - LiFT Training of Facilitators, Spark*ED.
Feb. 28, 3-6 - Social Media & Sexually Explicit Materials, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Mar. 8, 11-12 - Beyond the Basics of Inclusion: Comprehensive Sexuality Education Grounded in Disability Justice, Cardea.
Mar. 11, 3:30-5:30 - Affirmative Consent & Bystander Intervention, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Mar. 11-12, 3:30-5:30 - FLASH, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Mar. 13, 10-11 - Swab Squad to the Rescue! (STDs), Healthy Native Youth Community of Practice.
Mar. 13, 3:30-5:30 - Consent 201, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Mar. 18-Apr. 8, Mondays 12-2 - LGBTQ+ Inclusive and Affirming [Sex Ed] Facilitation, Spark*ED.
Mar. 19-20, 8-11 - Break Down the Walls: Support Healthy Sexuality for LGBTQ People with I/DD, Elevatus.
Mar. 19-20, 2-5 - Answering Students' Sex Education Related Questions, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Mar. 28-Apr. 25, Thursdays 12-2 - Facilitating Sex Education, Spark*ED.
Apr. 1, 3-5:30 - Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Grounded in Disability Justice, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Apr. 3, 3-5:30 - Neurodiversity & Comprehensive Sexual Health Education, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Apr. 9-30, Tuesdays 12-2 - Facilitating [Sex Ed] from a Trauma-Informed Lens, Spark*ED.
Apr. 12, 11-12 - Beyond the Basics of Force, Fraud, and Coercion: How Moral Panic Harms Sexually Exploited Youth, Cardea.
Apr. 16, 2-5 - Sex Ed Best Practices, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
Apr. 23, 2-5 - Teaching about Relationships, OSPI, free, includes clock hours. Save the date.
Apr. 30, 2-5 - Creating LGBTQ+ Inclusive Learning Spaces, OSPI, free, includes clock hours.
May 10, 11-12 - Beyond the Basics of Values: Exploring the Intersections of Sexuality and Faith, Cardea.
May 23, 1-2 - Sextortion: What You Need to Know, HRC and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
June 24-28, Portland - THRIVE Youth Conference for Native Youth ages 13-19. Save the Date.