Calling all Open Doors Case Managers!
- Do you want to know what other Open Doors Case Managers are doing to reengage and keep students engaged in their programs?
- Are you looking for ways to collaborate and problem-solve with peers on topics like student caseloads and resources?
Please join us for the first ever Open Doors Case Manager Peer Learning Network on Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 2 pm. This virtual session will focus on connecting Case Managers in peer learning. Meet others to share your favorite tools, best practices, and lessons learned. |
Time for Engagement
- This space is for learning through dialogue. We will spend most of our time in breakout rooms for you to share what’s working with case management or what challenges you may want to strategize on.
- This is a space for you to connect, share, and learn from other folks across the state.
- We encourage you to have your videos on (or at least your audio) so that you can participate!
To support schools implementing mastery-based learning (MBL), OSPI staff are reaching out to better understand practices and challenges districts are experiencing. The results of this survey will help prioritize efforts to develop or refine guidance, tools, and policies to best meet the needs of MBL students, programs, and schools.
If you are a public school currently implementing a mastery-based learning model, please complete this survey to help inform our next steps!
This survey will be completed by a variety of programs and schools around the state, including members of the Innovative Learning Pilot Program (ILPP) and the SBE mastery-based learning collaborative (MBLC), and various ALE and Open Doors youth reengagement programs offering mastery-based learning.
For questions, contact Liz Quayle, MBL Program Manager.
The annual WALA Spring Conference, “Culture + Climate = Community”, will be held at Campbell’s Report in Chelan WA on Feb 21-23, 2024.
Focusing on ALE, Online Learning, Mastery-based Learning, and OPEN DOORS, topics will address requirements, start-up information, and best practices. Join us!
Conference information link
Registration link
Presenter link
Check out the new High School and Beyond Plan webpage. This page will be updated with new information as the HSBP Statewide Universal Platform vendor selection process moves forward.
High School and Beyond Plan | OSPI
This December one-pager provides current updated information on the Universal HSBP platform. The next update will be coming in January 2024.
Don't miss the next opportunity to hear an HSBP update live and participate in a Q&A session with the OSPI Grad Team on January 10th, 2:30-3:30pm.
Use this link to join the Zoom room.
DVR Pre-employment Transition Services
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation offers Pre-employment transition services for Students between the ages of 16 and 21. Pre-ETS provide an “early start” at job exploration for students with disabilities. Services can be provided to students with IEPs, 504 plans, or otherwise documented disabilities, whether or not they have applied for or been determined eligible for DVR services. Students must be between the ages of 16 and 21.
The five pre-employment transition service categories include:
- Job exploration
- Self-advocacy
- Post-secondary enrollment options
- Work readiness training
- Work-based learning experiences
Pre-employment transition services:
- represent the earliest set of services available for students with disabilities who are eligible or potentially eligible for VR services,
- are short-term in nature, and
- are designed to help students identify career interests, which may be further explored through additional vocational rehabilitation (VR) services, such as transition services and other individualized VR services
- are provided to all who meet the definition of a student with a disability who may need such services.
Please contact Holly Montana if you would like to learn more on how your Open Doors program can offer these services.
The EOY data reporting is extended to January 31st, 2024. If you have questions about submitting your data please contact Lisa Ireland at
Healthy staff and teachers are our most valuable resource for creatin safe and supportive learning environments. Kaiser Permanente is offering free clock hours on webinar series on The Way to Staff Well-being in schools designed for teachers, staff and administrators.
Access the trainings in the section beow.
GATE Equity Webinar Series –
- January’s webinar is Mentoring for Diversity & Inclusion.
- Information, recordings, and registration available through the GATE website.
- Stay informed by subscribing to the Engage Newsletter
Well-being in schools Series -
The foundational course, The Way to Staff Well-being in schools- Creating a Culture of Well-being, will be offered 3:30-5 pm PST (repeat):
Deep Dive Way to Staff well-being in Schools. Presented by Kaiser Permante subject matter experts and offered 4-5 pm PST:
Questions? Contact
Past Newsletters:
Check our website for previous years' newsletter topics.
Mandy Paradise, M.Ed
Open Doors Program Supervisor
Email Mandy 360-789-3949