Join OSPI's Grad Team on January 10th for a short presentation with updates on the progress of the statewide universal HSBP platform vendor selection process, a calendar of upcoming events for public feedback on the HSBP process, and Q&A with the OSPI Grad Team.
Access the Zoom Room here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81775131532
Join OSPI and Hatching Results for the third statewide webinar of the year, Mid-Year CSCP Delivery Check-In.
Two free clock hours are available for live attendance of the webinar. Register on pdEnroller today!
In the latest Data Mini-Webinar Series we covered creating pre/post-tests.
ASK is a handy acronym that you can use support creating pre/post tests. ASK helps to connect your interventions to accurate measures by checking if your CSCP interventions are targeting Attitudes, Skills, or Knowledge.
Interested in learning more about using data to drive your CSCP? Register for the Closing the Gap series below.
Closing the Gap: The Science of School Counseling
Join us this Thursday, 1/11 as we learn about determining impact from your interventions.
Missed the last session? No problem! Review the slide deck and watch the temporary recording on Developing Meaningful Pre/Post Tests.
Check out the example pre/post test questions that participants practiced writing during the last session!
The series concludes in time for National School Counseling Week so you can share your data with your administrator and stakeholders!
Bookmark the CSCP Playlist to access all the recordings.
Register for the WSCA Pre-Conference, March 6th
Did it Work? Assessing CSCP Effectiveness
Join OSPI-CSCP staff, Hatching Results trainers, and Dr. Trish Hatch for a WSCA pre-conference session focused on the "Assess" component of the ASCA Model. Dr. Hatch will be available for book signing during the lunch hour between the AM and PM sessions. Register today!
Click the image below to see the full schedule with active links.
Same great content, two different formats!
Course window open from 12/11 - 2/16
There are multiple courses to choose from - take one or all! You can complete the courses by yourself, with a colleague or team, and on your own time at your own pace. These courses include built-in knowledge checks. Participants earn 15 clock hours per completed course! These asynchronous courses are GREAT for district counselor PLCs. Click the button below to register.
There are up to 7 live, half-day workshops hosted by Hatching Results trainers. Register for one or bundle all seven! These trainings include group interaction and live Q&A. Missed the first two? No problem! Register and watch the recordings before the next webinar-style workshop. Participants earn 5 clock hours per event. Click the button below to register.
Help us build our bank of example CSCPs!
We rely on CSCP team members like YOU to have the courage to share your examples with us. Examples do not have to be perfect for them to be helpful. In fact, too “perfect” of an example can be extremely discouraging if your program doesn’t look like theirs! We also know that sharing a work-in-progress CSCP can feel vulnerable, so to help we are offering FREE artifact review by a member of the Hatching Results team. This is the perfect way to get some feedback (and realize how amazing you’re doing) before sharing the artifact as an example.
The more people who take advantage of this LIMITED opportunity, the more examples we’ll have, and the better everyone’s CSCPs will be!
Join the OSPI school counseling team for a monthly, virtual office hour. No pre-registration required! Click the link below to join the office hour on Friday, February 2nd from 9:00-10:00.
Can't make it? No problem! Send us an email or join us in March. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.
What does it take to retain educators? This month's Graduation Equity Webinar will share with you some tips from Washington’s NAKIA Academy, where they are supporting diverse educators through shared professional development, and mentoring. We’ll have Teacher of the Year Brooke Brown to talk about what you can do to set your new educators up for success and structures that systematize a culture of support that you can use. We’ll also have guests from Franklin Pierce School District to talk about their experiences being mentored and what any school can do to offer meaningful support. Free Clock Hours are available.
Stakeholder feedback in the High School and Beyond Plan Statewide Universal Platform selection process will be beginning soon!
If you have already volunteered in previous recruitment surveys to participate in feedback opportunities, check your inboxes for an email update and next steps. If you would like to volunteer to participate and sign up to receive future emails, contact HSBP Program Supervisor Dr. Jill Diehl at jill.diehl@k12.wa.us.
Have you tapped into the work that Career Connect Washington (CCW) is doing in your region? Don't miss out on the great opportunities and work being done in your ESD and personalized to the needs and resources available in your area.
Check out ESD 189
Partnered in Regional Challenge Grant focusing on building Career Connected Learning programs with mentorship opportunities focused on serving target populations including students of color, from low-income backgrounds, English language learners, potential first-generation college students, and students with disabilities.
Find your CCW Regional Networks & Career Connected Learning Coordinators here to find out what they are working on and to get connected!
Do you have questions about public education in Washington? Are you curious about how the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) supports students, families, and schools? Want to learn more about Washington’s schools through data? You can ask OSPI your questions directly — and get answers publicly.
Questions and answers should be applicable to a wide audience and as long as your question relates to OSPI and the agency’s statewide work in public education, we will consider it. Some examples include how school funding works, information about services available to support students, data and data trends, OSPI’s legislative priorities, State assessments, resources for families to support their students.
You can check out previously asked questions and answers here.
Contact Us
Elementary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Kylie Massey, kylie.massey@k12.wa.us
Secondary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Maria Muto, maria.muto@k12.wa.us
Led by State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, OSPI oversees K-12 public education in Washington state. Our mission is to provide funding, resources, tools, data and technical assistance that enable educators to ensure students succeed in our public schools, are prepared to access post-secondary training and education, and are equipped to thrive in their careers and lives.