We're continuing to nerd out over data and want you to join us! There is a great formula in Excel and Google Sheets that can help make disaggregating data so much easier. Do you have multiple data reports, but you want to focus on how a specific group of students is reflected across those multiple reports on a single spreadsheet tab? This tip is for you!
Direct Link to Youtube Tutorial
Do you want to try it out yourself? Create your own copy of the exact spreadsheets used in the tutorial by clicking the link associated with your preferred program below and follow along with the video as practice.
⬇️ Download the EXCEL Spreadsheet
⬇️ Make a Copy of the GOOGLE Spreadsheet
Ready to put using data into practice? Join our applied learning and supported Data mini-series intervention project - see below!
Closing the Gap: The Science of School Counseling
Missed the first session? No problem! It’s not too late to join this training. You can watch the recording of the first session here and catch up before the next session on Nov. 29th.
The series concludes in time for National School Counseling Week so you can share your data with your administrator and stakeholders!
Join us tomorrow, 11/29 as we learn about finding the root cause(s) in the data set you choose to focus on!
Save the Date for our next statewide webinar!
Topic: Mid-Year CSCP Check-In: ‘Deliver’ Component
Date: January 17th, 2024
Time: 9:00 - 11:00
The link for free clock hour registration on pDEnroller is coming soon!
Got questions about delivering a CSCP? Ask an admin!
We have invited a very special group of administrators to participate as panelists at our January webinar - they are all former school counselors! They'll answer YOUR questions, share how they've navigated CSCP pitfalls, and offer suggestions for partnering to deliver a CSCP. Submit a question for the panelists below.
 AWSP, Hatching Results, and OSPI partnered to create a six-part video series specifically for school leaders related to Comprehensive School Counseling Programs:
Same great content, two different formats!
Course window open from 10/30 - 12/8
There are multiple courses to choose from - take one or all! You can complete the courses by yourself, with a colleague or team, and on your own time at your own pace. These courses include built-in knowledge checks. Participants earn 15 clock hours per completed course! These asynchronous courses are GREAT for district counselor PLCs. Click the button below to register.
12/8, Writing Pre & Post Tests
There are up to 7 live, half-day workshops hosted by Hatching Results trainers. Register for one or bundle all seven! These trainings include group interaction and live Q&A. Missed the first two? No problem! Register and watch the recordings before the next webinar-style workshop. Participants earn 5 clock hours per event. Click the button below to register.
Help us build our bank of example CSCPs!
We rely on CSCP team members like YOU to have the courage to share your examples with us. Examples do not have to be perfect for them to be helpful. In fact, too “perfect” of an example can be extremely discouraging if your program doesn’t look like theirs! We also know that sharing a work-in-progress CSCP can feel vulnerable, so to help we are offering FREE artifact review by a member of the Hatching Results team. This is the perfect way to get some feedback (and realize how amazing you’re doing) before sharing the artifact as an example. The more people who take advantage of this LIMITED opportunity, the more examples we’ll have, and the better everyone’s CSCPs will be!
What changes to your professional practice, building and/or district staffing, or student outcomes are a result of creating and/or implementing a Comprehensive School Counseling Program? Submit a testimonial and help us advocate for continued supports!
Now offering monthly CSCP office hours!
Friday, 12/8 from 9:00-10:00am
Got a question about your CSCP? Join the OSPI school counseling team for a monthly, virtual office hour. No pre-registration required! Click the link below to join the office hour on Friday, December 8th from 9:00-10:00. Can't make it? No problem! Send us an email or join us in January. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.
On behalf of the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and our education partners, we are asking for support in a collaborative information gathering process to inform the implementation of Washington State Restraint & Isolation policy, including the development of a technical assistance guide and accompanying training for school staff.
Your association’s membership plays a key role in this work, and we would appreciate your help to collect staff experiences and suggestions relative to use of restraint and isolation in schools by participating in a voluntary survey. Responses are confidential and the survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete.
We will not identify participants by name in any reports or findings, and all findings will be presented in the aggregate. Responses and the information learned from the survey will not be used to evaluate staff, districts, schools, or students. If you have any questions about this survey or the study overall, please contact Dr. Dia Jackson, Senior Researcher at AIR (djackson@air.org).
Organizational Wellness for Equity
What keeps staff members coming back year after year? What are the administrative moves that create a culture of wellness?
If you’re looking for some fresh ideas on how to think about organizational wellness not just at an individual level but as a holistic experience, you’ll want to attend this webinar. We’re bringing you <org>’s Rachel Madding to talk about what it takes to create a systems approach to wellness that’s grounded in educational equity. We’ll have a panel of practitioners to share examples of how this work has evolved in Central Kitsap School District and we’ll offer you intentional tools, resources, and structures to help you get started. Free Clock Hours are available.
Join us for the next OSPI-WSAC webinar in December.
The webinar, "Changes to the 2024-25 Financial Aid Applications" will feature the knowledge and expertise of WSAC's Associate Director of College Access Initiatives - Christina Winstead!
Register for the Zoom here. Interested in clock hours? Follow this link to register on pdEnroller.
Join OSPI's Grad Team on January 10th for a short presentation with updates on the progress of the statewide universal HSBP platform vendor selection process, a calendar of upcoming events for public feedback on the HSBP process, and Q&A with the OSPI Grad Team.
Access the Zoom Room here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81775131532
Have you tapped into the work that Career Connect Washington (CCW) is doing in your region? Don't miss out on the great opportunities and work being done in your ESD and personalized to the needs and resources available in your area.
Check out ESD 123
ESD 123 supported a “Career Speed Networking” event hosting 35 volunteers from high-demand industries in the region. Students participated in five (5) seven (7) minute rounds of getting to know industry leaders from education, law enforcement, banking/finance, agriculture, and more.
Find your CCW Regional Networks & Career Connected Learning Coordinators here to find out what they are working on and to get connected!
Contact Us
Elementary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Kylie Massey, kylie.massey@k12.wa.us
Secondary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Maria Muto, maria.muto@k12.wa.us