On behalf of the Summit planning team, thank you! Your astonishing service to youth and young adults was clearly reflected in the data and sessions. Nearly every program in the state attended the Summit. Big connections to peers, data, and content were made.
Share with us: Posting photos from the summit? Use hashtag #OpenDoorsSummit and #OpenDoorsWa. Let’s build a digital story. Send photos to mandy.paradise@k12.wa.us for use in OSPI communications.
Summit resources: Want to access the data shared by the Community Partnerships for Reengagement Initiative (CPRI)? We’ve got you covered! Access the reports anytime.
Coming soon:
Watch for our upcoming webinar showcasing the CPRI study data! The webinar is a great way to build awareness of your programs’ increadible work with youth. Summit participants also provided recommendations and hopes relative to the Open Doors Youth Reengagement Program. Publications with the recommendations included will be issued by February 2024.
When students can meet their basic needs their academic persistence improves. Data show that barrier reduction funding enables students to concentrate on academics, build social relationships, feel a sense of belonging, maintain mental well-being, remain enrolled, and graduate[1].
A recent OSPI legislative budget request seeks to invest in student reengagement. Among the strategies is barrier reduction funding to support student participation within Open Doors Youth Reengagement programs. One student said this about having access to summer programming and barrier reduction supports:
"I gained a lot from school this summer…a job, work clothes and tools. I had time to work on my classes during my lunch break from my new job. Win-win." Student, Open Doors Youth Reengagement - Coupeville Open Den
Sign up for the OSPI Sexual Health Education Newsletter to receive links to resources, trainings, and curriculum.
This is a great way to access comprehensive materials and to keep up with policies. The newsletter regularly includes funding and professional development opportunities.
The EOY data reporting is due December 16, 2023. If you have questions about submitting your data please contact Lisa Ireland at Lisa.Ireland@k12.wa.us. |
In Partnership with Seattle Children's and the Partnership Access Line, Forefront Suicide Prevention is pleased to present a FAST Skills Workshop Series. The First Approach Skills Training (FAST) programs are designed to provide brief, evidence-based behavioral therapy for youth and families with common mental health concerns.
These workshops, intended for parents/caregivers and/or school based mental health providers will give an overview of the FAST approach and accompanying resources.
Webinars are on the 4th Thursday of each month from 12-1pm. Use the discount code “OSPIBHN” to waive the fee OR choose to donate to pay this programing forward. This opportunity is open across Washington state.
Public Hearing Scheduled
180-51: Graduation Requirements - The State Board of Education will host a public hearing on High School Graduation Requirements rules (for the performance-based graduation pathway option) on Tuesday, November 14 at 3:30 p.m.
Options for feedback:
- Attend and testify at the hearing in-person: Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (600 Washington St. SE, Olympia) - Salish Conference Room
- Attend and testify at the hearing online: Zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83185211478
- Email the Board your public comment at sbe@k12.wa.us.
For students to graduate with a diploma in Washington state, a Graduation Pathway requirement must be met. For more information, please see RCW 28A.230.090: High school graduation requirements or equivalencies. The enforcement authority for Graduation Pathway Requirements is under the State Board of Education:
(2)(a) In recognition of the statutory authority of the state board of education to establish and enforce minimum high school graduation requirements, the state board shall periodically reevaluate the graduation requirements and shall report such findings to the legislature in a timely manner as determined by the state board.
For more information regarding Graduation Pathway Options, please contact the State Board of Education or visit their website Graduation Pathway Options | SBE .
The legislatively funded Summer Pilot for Open Doors Youth Reengagement grants OSPI the ability to demonstrate how twelve (12) months of funding can impact student outcomes, program stability, and improve connections for students who have been previously incarcerated. The first of two summer implementations is now complete.
The first summer pilot shows promising data.
A total of 613 students were served across the five Summer Pilot programs. Of the students served, 103 students were indicated as Post-Resident Youth. The data below indicate how many additional apportionment claims the five programs would have made if 12 months of funding were available. See the data below from July-August 2023.
Number of student apportionment claims made possible by the legislatively funded Open Doors Youth Reengagement Summer Pilot funding by program, July-Aug. 2023
 Source: OSPI data collected from the Open Doors Youth Reengagement Summer Pilot programs, October 2023.
Next steps
OSPI will be adding several more programs to participate in the final Summer Pilot, occurring in July-August 2024. Programs eligible for the pilot will be notified around February. Program selection is based upon rates of service of Post-Resident Youth.
An Advisory Committee, site visits, and interviews will be open to programs around the state – even those not selected for the Pilot. OSPI intends to host a statewide webinar for all programs to learn more about the exciting data and findings from the first summer pilot. Look for the webinar registration, coming soon.
The State Board of Education is planning their next four years of work. Help shape the future of education in our state. Engage with the State Board of Education in constructive dialogue and explore the strategic plan together.
Join us November 8 from 6-7:30 p.m.
OR November 14 from 12-1:30 p.m.
The session will consider the following discussion questions:
- Are there any parts of the plan that need further clarification or refinement?
- How can the Board improve community engagement and collaboration in the plan's implementation?
By answering these questions, you will help shape the strategic plan that guides our educational system. Together, we can create a more inclusive and innovative education system.
GATE Equity Webinar Series - Regular monthly webinars with clock hours. Information, registration, and recordings available through the GATE website.
- November 8: Tier II Solutions for Student Well-being
- December 13: Organizational Wellness for Equity
- January 10: Mentoring for Diversity & Inclusion
- February 14: Easing Transitions
- March 13: Financial Literacy & Asset-based Engagement
- April 10: Systems & Interventions for Attendance & Reengagement
- May 8: Student Pathways to Career Opportunity
Past Newsletters:
Check our website for previous years' newsletter topics.
Mandy Paradise, M.Ed
Open Doors Program Supervisor
Email Mandy 360-789-3949