Our monthly information sessions include professional learning for district leaders of multilingual learner programs as well as timely information with clock hours provided! Sign up here on pdEnroller.
Our October 5th information session focused on the Pre-Referral Process for MLs and Identification of AI/AN Students for Title III Services. Please view the presentation slides and session recording.
The next session will focus on Family Engagement and will be held on:
2023-24 Info Session Dates & Topics: Dec. 7: WIDA ACCESS, Jan. 4: Early Literacy for MLs, Feb. 1: Inclusionary Practices, Mar. 7: Braided Funding, Apr. 4: Long-Term ELs, May 2: Program Evaluation, & June 6: Using Assessment.
Add sessions to calendar: AM Session (9-10 am) | PM Session (3-4 pm)
For previous resources please go to the Multilingual Education Webinars and Newsletters page.
OSPI previously issued guidance regarding the use of ML teachers to provide substitute coverage in general education classes. If you lead the ML program in your district, please complete this survey by October 31 to let us know how prevalent this issue is in your district (one response per district, please).
LLRNs are professional learning communities of school and district language learning leaders in each Educational Service District (ESD) who meet regularly to engage in professional learning, collaboration, and program improvement planning. Click on the pdEnroller links below for a full list of dates and to register for a LLRN.
Region Program Supervisor: Virginia Morales
Region Program Supervisor: Katie Sperling
Region Program Supervisor: Shannon Martin
Region Program Supervisor: Sue Connolly & Lindsey Maehlum
Dual Language Spanish Teacher Leader Cohort
A PLC to support Spanish Dual Language and Heritage teachers who are implementing the WIDA Marco DALE SLD Standards Framework.
- Applicants must commit to one full-day in-person WIDA workshop as well as a monthly PLC meeting.
- Applicants should be in positions in which they regularly teach or coach teachers in a Spanish Dual/Heritage Language Program.
- OSPI will provide substitute reimbursement for teachers!
To apply, please complete this survey!
Contact Teresa Mendoza-Casby or Katie Sperling for more information.
Dual and Heritage Language Grants
Dual and Heritage Language grant applications for Continuing and/or Expanding programs or those seeking funding for heritage Spanish programs are now open in iGrants! Applications are due December 1 but can be submitted any time for review.
If you have any questions about the dual and heritage seed grants or would like assistance with your application please contact ema.shirk@k12.wa.us.
Washington OER Hub
The Washington OER Hub is an online library of free, high-quality K–12 learning and teaching materials created by and curated for Washington educators. On the Hub you can find units, lessons—even whole textbooks—that can be used with multilingual learners. You can also search by language, or use the Dual Language or Heritage Language groups, for materials in languages other than English.
Learn more about the Washington OER Hub and register for an Overview and New Resource Highlight session by clicking on one of the dates below:
For more information, review the Washington OER Hub Information resource or contact Barbara Soots, Open Educational Resources and Instructional Materials Program Manager.
Grants in EGMS this year include CGA (includes Title III), Title III Consortium, and TBIP. Consolidated Grant Applications (which include Title III) were due September 14th and TBIP was due August 1st, but both will continue to be accepted. Please see office hours below for support opportunities.
Technical Support for Completing Grant Applications:
TBIP, OSSI EGMS Office Hours
- Tuesdays | 10-11 am | Zoom
Thursdays | 1-2 pm | Zoom
Video clips on how to complete the TBIP application:
These video clips are also in EGMS if you download them prior to qualifying for the opportunity. Videos can be located on the files tab of the opportunity.
Marco ALE Webinars
Parte 1: Enseñando en español: Explorando identidades (webinar)
23 de octubre, 8:00-9:30 am | Registro $100
Al concluir su participación en este taller, usted podrá…
- Reafirmar su valor por la diversidad del español.
- Lograr conexiones entre el español y su identidad como educador.
- Incorporar el contexto sociocultural del Marco ALE para fortalecer su enseñanza del español.
Parte 2: Enseñando en español: El Marco ALE en acción (webinar) 23 de octubre, 1:00-2:30 pm | Registro $100
Al concluir su participación en este taller, usted podrá…
- Incorporar el Marco ALE en su currículo de las artes del lenguaje del español.
- Reconocer la importancia de utilizar simultáneamente las tres hebras del Marco ALE en la enseñanza de las artes del lenguaje del español.
- Utilizar el libro Marco ALE: Aplicación para la enseñanza para el aprendizaje autónomo.
The Zoom at Noon: Lunch with Leslie
Lunch with Leslie is an opportunity on Mondays at noon for districts to hear updates from the OSPI Assessment Team, ask questions about WIDA assessments, or find out how other districts are approaching testing processes.
The next Zoom at Noon session will be held on:
- Monday, October 16 – No Zoom at Noon
- Monday, October 23 at 12:00–1:00 pm | Zoom
These professional learning opportunities are shared for your information but do not constitute an endorsement by OSPI of any specific organizations.
Puget Sound ESD: Multilingual Learners Network
The MLL Network will consist of 3-6 school-based teams who will work together over the 2023- 2024 academic school year to learn and test new approaches to strengthen MLL’s sense of belonging and language development via continuous improvement methods and pedagogical strategies.
Please view this flyer or visit the website for more information.
If cost is prohibitive, let us know and we offer a sliding scale to ensure this is not a barrier. Please reach out to Karina Vanderbilt if you are interested in joining.
Bi-National Teacher Exchange Program from Mexico.
Presenter will share the district’s experience of hosting Bi-National Teachers from Mexico for their Migrant Summer School program. The presenter will share in detail, how to apply for this opportunity and an estimate of cost for the program.
October 17, 2023 | 9-10 am | Online Zoom | Register here.
Presenters: David Rodriguez, Director of Equity and Inclusion, Migrant Supervisor for the Mount Vernon SD.
Registration is still open!
Whether you work with English learners in k-12, adult ed, university IEP, or teacher prep, WAESOL has something for you with over 40+ sessions to choose from with nationally and internationally known speakers. Join us for a full day of in-person PD! (6 Clock Hours available)
Pre-Conference Workshops: Friday, October 20th from 1:00 to 4:00 pm.
- Navigating the Intersection of English Language Education and Special Education(3 Clock hours)
- Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Education (3 STEM Clock Hours)
Date: October 21, 2023
Location: Seattle Pacific University
New Learning Series: Authentic Family & Community Engagement for Continuous Improvement
Learn about the new modules. To reinforce that every student realizes their full potential, OSPI's Whole Child Initiative ensures students feel safe, healthy, engaged, supported, and challenged. The whole child initiative recognizes that access to safe, welcoming learning environments, as well as rich learning experiences outside of the classroom, is crucial for students' educational and life outcomes. Jumpstart your whole child initiative with our Authentic Family & Community Engagement Modules! These modules are designed for school teams and community-based organizations to work together. Accompanying the ten modules is also our School Leader Toolkit. This toolkit includes discussion questions and proactive exercises to help you and your team co-design a unique family and community engagement plan.
October 25, 2023 | 9:00 - 10:00 am | Online Zoom | Register here.
For more information and a desire to initiate this at your school district reach out to Jocelyn Núñez.
2023 WABE Fall Institute: Weaving WIDA into the Fabric of Core Instruction
The mission of WABE is to promote inclusive and asset-based mindsets, systems, and practices that elevate multilingual learners.
Two-Day Registration: $325 | Register here.
Dates: October 27-28, 2023
Location: Tacoma Convention Center
Plan now to attend our 2nd Annual WALAS Conference, Liderazgo Brillante: Empowering Latino Administrators and Superintendents!
Dates: October 27-28, 2023 | Register here.
Location: University of Washington Tacoma Campus
Pathways to Teaching Project
Would you like to become a teacher in the U.S.? Do you identify as someone with refugee/immigrant experience? Apply now to be a Pathways to Teaching Project Fellow. Fellows will be members of an online community of practice that supports resource sharing, dialogue, and both individual and collective growth alongside peers, mentors, and facilitators in your region and from across the U.S. Small stipends will be awarded. Apply before November 5, 2023.
WCEPS Pathways Tips and Dips
Bridging Oracy and Literacy for Multilingual Learners
Free, one-hour webinar held every month where we'll discuss topics that you can implement in your classroom immediately! The WCEPS Pathways program is dedicated to empowering K-12 educators of multilingual learners. Our professional learning sessions will equip you with the knowledge and skills to enable your students to thrive academically and linguistically.
November 7, 2023 | 5:00 - 6:00 pm | Online | Register here!
Seattle University’s College of Education offers an online English Language Learner (ELL) endorsement academy for Washington state teachers.
Designed for K-12 teachers to meet the needs of today’s students, our online ELL academy provides coursework and classroom experience to prepare teachers to achieve their ELL endorsement.
Duration: Intensive 9-month program with 24 credits
Cost: Total 24-credit cost: $8,145
Enrollment: Email e-academy@seattleu.edu for course application.
Current K-12 teachers can now enroll in Gonzaga’s ONLINE ELL courses, either a la carte or as part of the ELL Certificate.
- Choose ELL courses a la carte to enhance your ability to teach ELL students in various subjects ($635/credit)
- Join the ELL Certificate track any semester ($8,900 for entire program, discounts available)
Next available courses:
- WINTER: Second Language Acquisition (Tuesdays, 4:30 to 7:30 PM. Attend via Zoom or in-person)
To enroll or ask questions, email CLL@gonzaga.edu.
Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D. – Executive Director of Multilingual & Migrant Education | 564-999-3144
Virginia Morales– Supporting ESD 121 | Assistant Director of Multilingual Education | 564-669-1179
Shannon Martin– Supporting ESD 113 & 114 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360-269-5232
Katie Sperling– Supporting ESD 101 & 171 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360 -701-5064
Sue Connolly– Supporting ESD 105, 112, & 123 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360-522-0001
Lindsey Maehlum– Supporting ESD 105, 123 & Charter Schools | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor
Ema Shirk– Supporting Heritage and Dual Language Programs and ESD 189 | Dual Language Program Supervisor | 564-200-3167
Teresa Mendoza-Casby– Supporting Dual Language Programs | Dual Language Program Supervisor | 564-999-0610