Effective September 1, 2023, OSPI changed the website address from k12.wa.us to ospi.k12.wa.us
This change was required for improved security. Please make sure to update your bookmarks, links, and saved pages to reflect this change, as redirects will only be in place for a period of 6 months. Rest assured, all the content and functionality you've come to rely on will remain intact at the new URL.
All OSPI email addresses will remain unchanged. If you encounter any issues or have any questions about this URL change, please reach out to OSPI’s support team at webteam@k12.wa.us. We're here to assist you and ensure a seamless transition.
The next statewide CSCP webinar will be on October 4th!
We will be covering the "Define" component of the ASCA national model and how Washington CSCPs can align with those standards.
Free clock hours are available for those who attend the live webinar. Can't make it? The webinar will be recorded for future viewing!
Connect with your ESD for information on how to sign up!
ASCA's Classroom and Group Mindsets & Behaviors Action Plan is a great tool to help you plan and implement your classroom lessons and small groups this fall. Don't forget to share with your administrator(s) and other stakeholders!
Not sure where to start? Join us for the next statewide webinar where we discuss aligning the CSCP to standards to ensure positive student outcomes.
Now offering monthly CSCP office hours!
Friday, 10/6 from 10:30-11:30am
Got a question about your CSCP? Join the OSPI school counseling team for a monthly, virtual office hour. No pre-registration required! Click the link below to join the office hour on Friday, October 6th from 10:30 to 11:30am. Can't make it? No problem! Send us an email or join us in November. Contact information can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.
WASSW Conference, October 2nd & 3rd - Bellevue, WA
Join your school social work colleagues in Bellevue, on October 2 and 3, for a time of learning, connection, networking, and inspiration. Sessions will include advocacy opportunities, School Social Worker's role in school based threat assessment, UW Smart Center SSW expansion grant, the key role of School Social Workers in Interconnected Systems Framework, the power of 'AWE Inspiring', and inclusionary practices as promoted by Shelley Moore, and much more! We can't wait to see you there!
The Washington OER Hub is an online library of free, high-quality K–12 learning and teaching materials created by and curated for Washington educators. Learn more about the Washington OER Hub and register for an Overview and New Resource Highlight session by clicking on one of the dates below:
Thursday, October 5, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Register
Tuesday, October 10, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Register
Wednesday, October 18, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm - Register
For more information, review the Washington OER Hub Information resource) or contact Barbara Soots, Open Educational Resources and Instructional Materials Program Manager.
OPSI is hosting virtual and free suicide prevention, intervention, & postvention trainings this fall with Lifelines Trilogy.
The intervention portion of the training is now approved by PESB for ESA clock hours. Click on the dates below to register via pdEnroller.
Postvention: September 27th and October 17th
Intervention: October 24th and November 8th
Prevention: November 14th & December 11th
Time is Running Out - We Need Your Input!
OSPI and UW Forefront Suicide Prevention (Forefront) are collaborating to learn more about mental health supports for elementary-age students. Recognizing diverse needs across the state, they are seeking valuable input from elementary school staff. Participating in the survey will help provide insight into existing supports and barriers to accessing mental health services. If you’re interested in providing information about your experiences, please take the survey by October 20th, 2023.
To reinforce that every student realizes their full potential, OSPI's Whole Child Initiative ensures students feel safe, healthy, engaged, supported, and challenged. The whole child initiative recognizes that access to safe, welcoming learning environments, as well as rich learning experiences outside of the classroom, is crucial for students' educational and life outcomes. Jumpstart your whole child initiative with our Authentic Family & Community Engagement Modules! These modules are designed for school teams and community-based organizations to work together. Accompanying the ten modules is also our School Leader Toolkit. The toolkit includes discussion questions and proactive exercises to help you and your team co-design a unique family and community engagement plan. For more information and a desire to initiate this at your school district reach out to Jocelyn Núñez at jocelyn.nunez@k12.wa.us
We'll be using the lessons learned during the webinar to make sure the next one goes off without a hitch!
Save the date for the next webinar in our series on Wednesday, December 6th!
Financial Aid: The New FAFSA and WASFA Application featuring the knowledge and expertise of WSAC's Associate Director of College Access Initiatives - Christina Winstead!
Learn all about the updates to Dual Credit programs with the experts at this webinar hosted by OSPI, State Board of Community and Technical Colleges, and the Council of Presidents on Thursday, September 28th at 1:30 PM.
You can join the Zoom directly without pre-registering with this link or by clicking the button below.
October 22-24, 2023 - Spokane, WA
Join 500 college access professionals, educators, counselors, and administrators from a dozen western states at the 17th annual GEAR UP West Conference, Chart Your Course. This conference will feature great speakers, workshops, networking, and more.
Ready to register? Head to the conference website. The hotel block is expected to sell out, so make lodging reservations after completing registration.
Check out this new webinar series! This webinar series has been created for high school counselors by Washington's public, four-year institutions and hosted by the Council of Presidents. Recordings and materials will be available for those unable to attend live sessions. If you have any feedback or questions, email Julie Garver at jgarver@councilofpresidents.org.
Are you searching for the presentations from the Fall Counselor Workshops? Here is a quick reference list!
Schools may nominate one student identifying as female and one student who identifies as male. Candidates should have demonstrated leadership; school and community involvement; academic and extracurricular achievement and writing skills. Nominees may receive discretionary points for extraordinary scholastic achievement, long-lasting commitment to community service, heavy workload, additional family responsibilities, or significant obstacles which they overcame.
Please submit a nomination form, and writing sample for each student by 5 pm on Friday, October 20, 2023.
A pre-bid conference was held on Wednesday, August 30. The webinar is available for public viewing: and the Q & A has been posted to the OSPI procurement page. Any questions about the RFP or pre-bid conference question submissions must be sent to contracts@k12.wa.us, the deadline for questions is September 25th.
We are seeking feedback from practitioners!
It would be great to be able to share how HSBP lessons and activities are currently delivered and completed in schools across the state support our upcoming community engagement and feedback collection in this work. The survey is short, mostly multiple choice, and should take less than 5 minutes. Your input would be greatly appreciated!
Do you have questions for OSPI's Grad Team? Come to our new office hour!
Team members will be available to answer questions about Career Connect Washington, CTE Course Equivalencies, Dual Credit, and Secondary School Counseling. Participants can join the zoom room using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81112701250.
Submit your questions early or as you think of them on our menti: October Office Hour Questions
Scholarship Junkies has launched their brand-new Scholarship Bank! 🌟 Think of it as a personal scholarship ATM (without those pesky withdrawal limits).
Contact Us
Elementary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Kylie Massey, kylie.massey@k12.wa.us
Secondary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Maria Muto, maria.muto@k12.wa.us