OSPI's Multilingual Education office hosted a Multilingual Directors' workshop on the Eastside and Westside of the state.
Topics included:
- Civil rights obligations for multilingual learners
- Identification of multilingual learners & AI/AN students
- Program models and the Title III and TBIP grants
- Effective services for multilingual learners
- Use of WIDA Standards to integrate content, language, and literacy
- Strengthening and improving programs for multilingual learners
- Language-focused family engagement
View the presentation slides from the Multilingual Directors' Workshop.
The August 10th Information Session covered WIDA screening, family notifications, grants, events, and opportunities.
The next information sessions will be held on:
Add sessions to calendar: AM Session (9-10 am) | PM Session (3-4 pm)
2023-24 Info Session Dates: Oct. 5, Nov. 2, Dec. 7, Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 7, Apr. 4, May 2, & June 6.
For previous resources please go to the Multilingual Education Webinars and Newsletters page.
Dual Language Spanish Teacher Leader Cohort
A PLC to support Spanish Dual Language and Heritage teachers who are implementing the WIDA Marco DALE SLD Standards Framework.
- Applicants must commit to one full-day in-person WIDA workshop as well as a monthly PLC meeting.
- Applicants should be in positions in which they regularly teach or coach teachers in a Spanish Dual/Heritage Language Program.
To apply, please complete this survey by September 22, 2023.
Contact Teresa Mendoza-Casby or Katie Sperling for more information.
Professional Development Report- Past Due!
The Professional Development Report (FP 972 in iGrants) was due on June 30, 2023. If you have not already done so, please submit it ASAP! Submission of FP 972 is required before TBIP and/or Title III grants can be approved.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Sue Connolly.
TBIP Grant now open in EGMS!
Grants in EGMS this year include CGA (includes Title III), Title III Consortium, and TBIP. The TBIP grant application (Form Package 219) for 2023-24 is open in EGMS and was due August 1.
Please ensure that you have selected TBIP as a program of interest in EGMS. This is updated through the organizational profile. Individual users or the district admin can edit the list of programs of interest. This is critical for receiving notification of the end of year required reporting.
FP 219 TBIP 23-24 Application Notes: Please note on form #2 Program Demographics, the directions for completing the budget details section. “For salaries, indicate FTE, role, and elementary or secondary”. This information is required and applications will be sent back if missing.
Technical Support for Completing Grant Applications:
TBIP, OSSI EGMS Office Hours
- Every Thursday effective May 18 – November 16 (as needed) | 1-2 pm | Zoom
Video clips on how to complete the TBIP application are now available!
These video clips are also in EGMS if you download them prior to qualifying for the opportunity. Videos can be located on the files tab of the opportunity.
Grant Webinar & Program Evaluation Tools
This year’s Grant Webinar focused on how to create and submit a successful TBIP and Title III Grant application in EGMS. We also touched on how to evaluate the program and plan for improvements.
Check out the latest WIDA News for more information on:
Updates and Reminders
New Video Resource for WIDA AMS
As you’re learning your way around the 2023-24 WIDA AMS updates, take advantage of our new Video: Using WIDA AMS for WIDA Screener Online resource. Each section of this video is a few minutes long and shows you how to complete common tasks in WIDA AMS, from adding students, to creating a registration, to downloading your score reports. Locate this video on the WIDA Screener Online: Administration course resources page in the WIDA Secure Portal.
ELP Assessment Updates
Click here for the most up to date information on the WIDA Screener.
The OSPI ELP Assessment team maintains a list of district contacts to facilitate communication between districts regarding WIDA test scores. Please review the WIDA District Contact List to verify your district’s contact information and email Alysia Hartsell with any changes needed.
The Zoom at Noon: Lunch with Leslie
Lunch with Leslie is an opportunity on Mondays at noon for districts to hear updates from the OSPI Assessment Team, ask questions about WIDA assessments, or find out how other districts are approaching testing processes.
The next Zoom at Noon session will be held on:
- August 21 at 12:00–1:00 pm | Zoom
These professional learning opportunities are shared for your information but do not constitute an endorsement by OSPI of any specific organizations.
WCEPS Pathways Tips and Dips: Gathering Evidence Using Formative Assessment Tools'
The WCEPS Pathways program is dedicated to empowering K-12 educators of multilingual learners. Our professional learning sessions will equip you with the knowledge and skills to enable your students to thrive academically and linguistically.
A free, one-hour webinar held every month. WCEP will discuss topics that you can implement in your classroom immediately!
Gathering Evidence Using Formative Assessment Tools
Current K-12 teachers can now enroll in Gonzaga’s ONLINE ELL courses, either a la carte or as part of the ELL Certificate.
- Choose ELL courses a la carte to enhance your ability to teach ELL students in various subjects ($635/credit)
- Join the ELL Certificate track any semester ($8,900 for entire program, discounts available)
Next available courses:
- FALL: Immigrant & Refugee Perspectives (Fridays, 4:30 to 7:30 PM. Attend via Zoom or in person)
- WINTER: Second Language Acquisition (Tuesdays, 4:30 to 7:30 PM. Attend via Zoom or in-person)
To enroll or ask questions, email CLL@gonzaga.edu.
WAESOL Educator publishes articles concerning the teaching of language in elementary and secondary education, higher education, adult education, and bilingual education, as well as teacher preparation for pre-service and in-service teachers.
Seattle University’s College of Education offers an online English Language Learner (ELL) endorsement academy for Washington state teachers.
Designed for K-12 teachers to meet the needs of today’s students, our online ELL academy provides coursework and classroom experience to prepare teachers to achieve their ELL endorsement.
Date: September 11, 2023
Duration: Intensive 9-month program with 24 credits
Enrollment: Email e-academy@seattleu.edu for course application.
Register for the Conference by October 1st for best pricing!
WAESOL is again distributing $2,500 in grants and awards at the 2023 Annual Conference on October 21st, 2023. In addition to the grants and awards, WAESOL also has 10 conference scholarships available to attend the 48th Annual Conference.
To submit an award nomination or apply for a grant or scholarship, you need to be a current member of WAESOL. Visit the Membership page of the WAESOL website to become a member or renew your membership.
Apply for...
Nominate a colleague for...
Application deadline: September 17, 2023 | Winners will be notified by October 1st.
WIDA Annual Conference 2023
In-person 2023 WIDA Annual Conference Sold Out. Registration to Attend Virtually is still open!
The WIDA Annual Conference is the premier event for educators of Pre-K through grade 12 multilingual learners, giving educators from around the globe the opportunity to share best practices and discover innovative classroom strategies. A curated virtual option will also be available on October 18 that includes a sampling of sessions from the in-person conference. For more information, visit their website.
Dates: October 17-20, 2023
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Plan now to attend our 2nd Annual WALAS Conference, Liderazgo Brillante: Empowering Latino Administrators and Superintendents!
Dates: October 27-28, 2023
Location: University of Washington Tacoma Campus
Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D. – Director of Multilingual Education | 564-999-3144
Virginia Morales– Supporting ESD 121 | Assistant Director of Multilingual Education | 360-725-4477
Shannon Martin– Supporting ESD 112, 113 & 114 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360-269-5232
Katie Sperling– Supporting ESD 101 & 171 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360 -701-5064
Sue Connolly– Supporting ESD 105, 123 & Charter Schools | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360-522-0001
Ema Shirk– Supporting ESD 189 and Heritage and Dual Language Programs | Dual Language Program Supervisor | 564-200-3167
Teresa Mendoza-Casby– Supporting Dual Language Programs | Dual Language Program Supervisor | 564-999-0610