This Week: Learning from Other States with Performance-based Options for Graduation
The Education Commission of the States (ECS) and SBE will host a webinar on performance-based pathways in other states July 25 from 12-1:30 p.m. The panel will feature partners from Colorado, Vermont, and New Mexico. Register for the Zoom: ECS/SBE. We plan to record the session and share it with all who register.
If you will need assistance during any of the webinars (example: an interpreter), please contact us as soon as possible before the event.
Last Week: Webinar on New Performance-based Pathway Option
Because of new legislation (HB 1308), we're writing rules that will give more detail about the requirements for ensuring the safety and quality of the learning experience and the assessment criteria for determining the student has demonstrated the learning standards with the new performance-based pathway.
We hosted an interactive webinar on Thursday, July 20 to hear thoughts on student focus, safety and quality, and assessment criteria. Watch the recording: PbP webinar recording.
Webinar participants were asked to use three "Padlets" that will be open until Thursday, July 27.
This student-centered pathway is intended to be customizable, with the aim of being relevant and engaging to the student. Find timelines for feedback and more info on SBE's blog. If you have further questions, please contact Linda Drake.
Share your story
Do you know of a culminating project or a student led project currently happening in a school that you think could count as this new pathway option in the future? We want to hear your stories. Please email SBE’s Director of Communications, Stephanie Davidsmeyer. She can work with you to highlight this experience and the student, and/or educator involved in the project.
The students at Highline's CHOICE Academy love their school. In a world where school can seem boring and irrelevant, these kids know their school district promise, see value in assessments, and are confident enough to speak about their education with clarity. CHOICE is a first-cohort member of Washington State's Mastery-based Learning Collaborative. Learn more about the collaborative, how schools can join cohort 2, and the current state of mastery-based learning in WA at
Interested in applying to become a new MBLC member school? Come to an info session to learn about culturally responsive mastery-based learning, the experience of joining this community of schools, grant funding, professional learning, and more. NOTE: Viewing the August 10 or September 13 Cohort 2 Info Session is a required step* in applying for MBLC Cohort 2 membership.
If you will need assistance during any of the webinars (example: an interpreter), please contact us at least 24 hours before the event.