Welcome back for the 2023 - 2024 school year! We hope you were able to get much deserved rest over the summer break. We are excited to share that we have some great new professional development opportunities coming up to continue to support your CSCPs and growth in the school counseling field. We hope to see you soon at our upcoming August webinar to share more information.
Join OSPI and Hatching Results’ webinar to kick off the new school year. We look forward to introducing new tools tailormade for Washington State CSCPs, resource sharing to support CSCP staff work, and previewing upcoming training opportunities for the 2023 - 2024 school year. |
Completing an Annual Administrator Conference is a practice promoted by ASCA to support a successful counselor-administrator working relationship. The annual conference can serve as a check-in point to loop administrators into your plans and goals for the school year and come to a mutual understanding in regard to assigned tasks, data collection, and how the CSCP can support the school improvement plans.
School Counselor/Principal Relationships - American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
Annual Administrative Conference - American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
We Need Your Input!
OSPI and UW Forefront Suicide Prevention (Forefront) are collaborating to learn more about mental health supports for elementary-age students. Recognizing diverse needs across the state, they are seeking valuable input from elementary school staff. Participating in the survey will help provide insight into existing supports and barriers to accessing mental health services. If you’re interested in providing information about your experiences, please take the survey by October 20th, 2023.
 Graduation Equity Webinar, August 9 | 10:00-11:30 am
• Get ideas to inspire your practice of building classroom belonging from day one • Learn from a teaching coach educator about what’s been working for them as they start a new year • Learn how social emotional learning and creating a sense of belonging are connected • Get resources to get started
The start of a new school year is a chance to reset. We want students to feel seen, engaged, curious, and challenged. What routines will help students feel welcome? What rituals honor the values of your school? We’ll learn from Nick Yoder from the American Institute of Research (AIR) about a framework for positive school climate and the practices that will help you start the year as a community builder. We’ll also have master teacher, Sally Anvari, an Evergreen State College Field Supervisor, with us to share her moves on setting up her classroom and the practices that she uses in the first weeks of schools to create a classroom culture of kindness and belonging. Free Clock Hours are available.
Presenters Nick Yoder, Principal Policy & Technical Assistance Consultant, American Institute of Research (AIR), nyoder@air.org Tammy Bolen, SEL Program Supervisor Lead, OSPI, tammy.bolen@k12.wa.us Sam Mintz, School Climate Transformation Grant Program Supervisor, OSPI, sam.mintz@k12.wa.us Sally Anvari, Field Supervisor & Teaching Artist, Master in Teaching Program, The Evergreen State College, sallyj358@gmail.com Jocelyn Núñez S., MPA, MSW, Student Engagement & Support Administrative Program Specialist, OSPI, Jocelyn.Nunez@k12.wa.us
Attendance Works Webinar: Wednesday, August 9th from 12:00-1:30pm
Join Attendance Works for their upcoming webinar that will focus on creating a supportive and welcoming environment that encourages a sense of connection and community as students and families return to school. This webinar is part of the 2023 Attendance Awareness Campaign webinar series with the theme, Showing Up Together!
The Limitless Learning Network Application is live on the Education First website.
The Limitless Learning Network will be made up of local K-12 and higher education partners who will share information, experiences, and expertise in removing barriers and supporting students in finding and following their path forward after high school.
Each regional partnership will receive $25,000 in grant funding each year, $100,000 of the course of four years, as well as technical assistance to help facilitate collaboration and implement strategic, evidence-based solutions. Partnerships will also have their travel and lodging covered for any in-person meetings or site visits.
Applications are due August 18, 2023.
Contact Us
Elementary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Kylie Massey, kylie.massey@k12.wa.us
Secondary School Counseling Program Supervisor
Maria Muto, maria.muto@k12.wa.us