Thanks for replying to the professional development survey. Survey results indicate enormous support for an in-person Open Doors Youth Reengagement gathering.
OSPI is diligently working with the Community Partnerships for Reengagement Initiative and Education Northwest to explore options for next fall. More info to come! Watch the newsletter for updates.
The legislature provided funding for an Open Doors summer pilot in the forthcoming Operating Budget. OSPI is excited for this opportunity and is in the very early stages of planning. The legislature has limited the pilot to be for up to 12 Open Doors programs.
The pilot will also focus on serving post-resident youth. Look for newsletter updates in July-October regarding this project.
Share what you know and have!
Do you have templates for on-boarding of new teachers coming into a new Open Doors program? One of our Open Doors programs has requested sample templates and is looking for examples of how your Open Doors program is on boarding new staff. Please submit your shareable samples or explanations to
When drafting a school improvement plan, Open Doors have unique considerations that apply. Please see the guidance documents linked below that outline the critical elements.
Weston High School hosts the first annual Open Doors Art Exhibit
Eight students representing three Open Doors programs – Arlington, Stanwood, and Everett – displayed art using a variety of mediums along the theme of reconstruction. Each piece could respond to one of three prompts revolving around the theme, which encouraged students to reflect on their experiences of lockdowns, post-Covid life, and personal journeys of reconstruction.
During the event, the artists stood proudly by their work, answering questions as audience members perused the exhibit. Nadia Rubio, a Stanwood Open Doors student, helped plan the event, taking a basic idea and turning it into a memorable experience for all involved. For her efforts, she earned CTE credit through an experiential learning framework that is now available as an option for future students.
If you would like your students to participate next year or want to replicate the idea in another part of the state, feel free to reach out to Jeremy Hurdus, at, or at (360) 618-6336.
Presented by the Holocaust Center for Humanity
June 27th, 2023 | All sessions will be virtual on Zoom | Register for one or multiple sessions
The Day of Learning will provide teachers with an opportunity to explore topics about genocide, focusing on those in Rwanda and Cambodia. Attendees will gain in-depth and practical ideas and activities that can be easily implemented in the classroom. This event will offer 5 general clock hours, 5 equity clock hours, and 5 SEL clock hours. |
GATE Equity Webinar Series - Regular monthly webinars. Information and registration available through the GATE website.
Graduation Requirement Emergency Waiver (GREW): Office Hours
The GREW is applicable for students whose education was disrupted by the pandemic. To learn more or ask questions, please join one of the listed office hours. No registration is required, simply use the link on the specified date and time.
GREW Office Hour: Wednesday, May 31st 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Zoom Link:
GREW Office Hour: Wednesday, May 31st, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Zoom Link:
GREW Office Hour: Tuesday, June 6th 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Zoom Link:
Past Newsletters:
Check our website for previous years' newsletter topics.
Mandy Paradise, M.Ed
Open Doors Program Supervisor
Email Mandy 360-789-3949