New student communicators opportunity!
The following is a message from SBE Student Communicator, Indy Hilmes:
I'm a student communicator for the Board, which means I deal with a lot of communications projects and work to help the board build connections with the greater student population of our state.
My current project is creating a student-led group to help Star (my fellow intern) and I get a better idea of how students across the state feel about the board's communication procedures, and we're calling it the Student Communicator Network, or the SCN!
Please encourage your students to join this group. Not only is it a great opportunity to build your resume and connect with the Board's mission, but also to provide us with valuable input and connect with like-minded students from across the state.
Please have students sign-up to be on our email list here.
I'm looking forward to getting to know more students and seeing how their perspectives can shift the way educational policy looks to kids.